Geek Yellow Pages

Hi all! I know many of you are experienced hobbyists/engineers and know where to get parts for your projects. But for those who don't (like myself) I thought it'd be a great idea to make a hobby-centric supplier list where people could easily find different sites they could check for electronic parts and kits for their projects. I think it might be a good idea to also have a blurb as to why a fellow DIY'er would want to go X company instead of Y company.
Tayda Electronics -
Good: Super cheap components shipped in ~week that are well labeled.
Bad: They don't always have all of the parts and I've heard they're sometimes backordered.
"Ugly": People think they'll ship from Thailand (but it's really the US)
We're hosting the main collation on our forum: but if you don't necessarily want to join to post, I can certainly move posts from here to there! So long as noobs have a resource to go to!
Thanks for any input ya'll might contribute
Tayda Electronics -
Good: Super cheap components shipped in ~week that are well labeled.
Bad: They don't always have all of the parts and I've heard they're sometimes backordered.
"Ugly": People think they'll ship from Thailand (but it's really the US)
We're hosting the main collation on our forum: but if you don't necessarily want to join to post, I can certainly move posts from here to there! So long as noobs have a resource to go to!
Thanks for any input ya'll might contribute

I should mention - I've updated the post in the forum to reflect what ya'll have contributed
Good: They carry all of the parts in the world, and the data sheet is on the same page as the part.
And the prices seem reasonable.
Bad: They want me to pay money for the parts I order..
ugly: They want me to pay money for the parts I order, before they will ship them to me...
Good: They literally carry every component available.
Bad: There is so much that if you are just casually browsing for a part, you will probably not be able to find it. You have to do your research before hand. It's best for immediate part # look up and production quantities.
Ugly: There are no product pictures on about 90% of the items, and most of the ones they do have are just stock photos that don't show exactly what you are getting. I like seeing what I am buying.
Good: reliable, cost effective, good support very wide product range. More specialty items. Product engineers seem first rate and helpful.
Bad: You get what you pay for, so while they are competitive, not always the lowest cost. Gotta pay for the good I guess.
Ugly: Have not experienced ugly with them, but on another scale,
Beauty/Beast: Like Microchip, their emails are very informative and useful. They offer seminars on different technologies all the time some free, I have attended one that was $99.00 on USB and the LPC series of MCUs. The down side is you need to be reasonably close to their offices unless your company can bring them out (cost or sales volume?) and occasionally they reschedule the seminars.
Good: reasonable selection of both parts and development kits for a very wide range of MCU/CPUs, lots of complementary technologies. Cost competitive. Not cheap, but fair. They have not messed up any orders. Timely processing and shipping w/ many options.
Bad: Newark Electronics (aka Excrement 14 eh, whats in a name) seems to have a better presentation of parts at the lowest level of selections, individual part page seems clunky and awkward, longer lead time on what seems /should be common parts.
Ugly: Have not experienced any ugly with them.
Never heard of them. Is this site a shill for them?
So far we have:
Large Electronic Components Sites:
Jameco Electronics
Mouser Electronics
Tayda Electronics
Component/Kit Makers
Kits and Parts
Parallax Inc
Adafruit Industries
Surplus Components
All Electronics
Electronic Goldmine
Robot Shop
Crust Crawler
International Sites
Conrad Electronic
Tayda Electronics
Some have bad/ugly filled out (but not all!). So if you've had experiences with these - let me know!
Good: Allot of "New Old Stock", Dirt Cheep, hard to find parts
Bad: Most parts are $100 minimum
Ugly: With some parts you need to buy their entire stock.
After seeing this post, I ordered a bunch of parts from Tayda in Thailand.
Just wanted to report a successful transaction. Parts are as advertised, low prices, uses PayPal, some obscure manufacturers but parts certainly look good and are useable, arrived in eastern Canada in about 15 days.
Two thumbs up; thanks Tymkrs!
btw: Tymkrs I got family in Rochester, MN....I can't beleive the amount of snow u guys get....good luck this year
american science and surplus
Edmund Scientific
futurlec not to be confused with futurelec
not sure if you got these