Old Prop Tool Launched by S2 GUI

I just took advantage of your sale on Scribbler 2 robots and purchased one.
I decided to try out the GUI. I found the "Veiw the Propeller Program" feature, launched an older version of the Propeller Tool. I was hoping the GUI could be updated to use version 1.3 of the Propeller Tool.
I decided to try out the GUI. I found the "Veiw the Propeller Program" feature, launched an older version of the Propeller Tool. I was hoping the GUI could be updated to use version 1.3 of the Propeller Tool.
If you want to try it yourself, all you have to do is drag a copy of propeller.exe from the v1.3 folder to the S2 editor folder to replace the earlier version.
Now that I know it's a "feature" and not a "bug", I've been watching for things I don't like about it.
The main problem I have with the older Propeller Tool launching is the window asking about associating file types (.spin, .eeprom and .bin IIRC) every time I "View the Propeller Program". It's kind of like having a nag screen with shareware stuff.
I just did this. It worked great. Thanks.
I really like being able to see the Spin code generated by GUI. That "Observation Deck" is also a cool feature. I've been having fun listening to all the cool sounds available.
I'm beginning to think the S2.spin object might be the most useful object I've seen to learn how to program the Propeller. It sure uses a lot of the Propeller's features.
I'm very pleased I took advantage of the S2 sale. (What's the opposite of buyer's remorse? 'Cause that's what I have.) The Scribbler 2 is a very fun robot. I also think the S2 shows off the Propeller well.
Thanks again for your help Phil.
I'm glad you're having fun with it!