Need help with Extended_FDSerial.
I am sending commands from the Propeller to the TeLit-865cf (Cellular Chip) which operates via "AT" commands. When I send the following via Extended_FDSerial, is it necessary to convert the Numeric Values to ASCII equivalents? If I send these commands to the module in Hyper Terminal as is they work fine. Where can I find more detailed information on the Extended_FDSerial commands?
Everything looked good when porter to the Serial terminal, just having a Hard time figuring this one out.
If you have a more simple command (i mean a single and shorter command than the ones in your code) try to make this command work.
As you have tested the commands with hyperterminal. Check every detail how hypertemrinal was configured
number of databits
number of stop bits
hardware handshaking
software handshaking
solder an Y-cable so that your telit device and hyperterminal can receive commands from a second PC at the same time
Then send the commands from the propeller and compare each and every single byte sended from hyperterminal / sended from the propeller
keep the questions coming
best regards
Thanks again for your help, both of you !
It's not decimal 0-3. It's bit index from LSB (Least significant bit) where 0 is the the right most bit. The example, 0011, is decimal 3 and inverted Rx/Tx in Extended_FDSerial.
Propeller-pins 25,26<
Propeller-pins 30,31<----> any serial terminal software on your PC hyperterminal or parallax serial terminal or what ever you like else
just define two Extended_FDX-objects and then
just echo the received bytes from your telit-connection received on pin 26 towards the pc on pin 30
keep the questions coming
best regards
I am also re-writing my code to take advantage of ViewPort, I really appreciate you guy's taking the time to respond with your advice. This is the reason that I came back tot the Propeller for the great Forum !
serial.str(string("at+cmgs=",34,"phonenumber",34,13)) 'set where to send the sms and bring up the >
serial.str(string("message you want to send")) ' tell the module what message to send
serial.tx (26) 'send a control z to send the message.
Hope this helps.
One Question, on the command: AT+CPMS="ME"
I'm not able to put Quotation marks around the "ME", like ( "AT+CPMS="ME"")
Will this command still be interpreted right as: "AT+CPMS=ME"
Where the "ME" is not in Quotation marks?
Thanks so much for your help,
NOTE: Use a Null modem cable between the PDB and the TeLit, Ground DTR on the TeLit Eval board to disable Hardware Hand shaking, and Wire Jumper from Output Pin # 25 on the Prop Header to Tx output on the PDB female header (RS232 Serial output, Lower Bottom Left) of the PDB.
Working Code: