Does a 'pin' SPIN object exist?

I was thinking about the "problem" I perceive with the Propeller development and thought about making a SPIN object that just does simple pin control.
I did an OBEX search, but no luck. The purpose is to have an object that people familiar with Arduino would take to, then once they actually learn the power of native SPIN, they can use that.
I did an OBEX search, but no luck. The purpose is to have an object that people familiar with Arduino would take to, then once they actually learn the power of native SPIN, they can use that.
Consider this simple LED control which flashes the LED plugged into P0 on and off.
More about this can be found at:
I was asking/confirming/proposing this to help newbies to acclimate to Propeller.
Just to be clear, this isn't a newbie asking a question, I have spent enough time with the Prop to get a grip on it and want to fill in some gaps I see.
Sounds like an excellent idea to me. I'm sure that anything that can help people graduate from the Ardweeno to the Propeller would be a welcome power to possess around here. I'm having worries these days that young acquaintances of mine are going to pressure me into teaching them how to work with Ardweenos, so I'll have to learn how to do that myself, but my inclination, of course, will be to graduate them to Propellers once they get the hang of things.
I don't know if I would so much as "graduate" them as to enable them to understand and evaluate the properties of the propeller in relation to the problem they are attempting to solve. I believe the ardwino remains a single core CPU. The A/D work i have done so far would have taken me a great deal more of time and learning to achieve the same ends had I done it on a single core CPU. I would have also attempted it with my TI dsp devkit for shear speed and availability of some processing functions that are built into the device if not for the propeller chip. If there were one grand unified chip out there (other than Chip of course), we would all be speaking the same code, paying the same price, wearing Mao jackets.. not really on that last one..... but y'all know where I am going.
I should not say it, but I did wonder if Ardweeno was the gender opposite of Ardweeni.......bad, bad keyboard. whack.... bad keyboard......
Pins.PinMode(1, Pins#OUTPUT)
Pins.DigitalWrite(1, Pins#HIGH)
That should be very simple to accomplish, but the fun part would be, how does the Ardnewbie find said object, or even know to look for it as well as needing to add it in the object section of anything he does? Then there is the fact that learning how to specify the constants and include the object seems no less difficult than leaning:
dira[1] := 1
outa[1] := 1
Maybe I don't see it they way they would. I've gone the opposite direction and taken up playing with Arduino after learning the Prop. I think the multiple registers and need to fiddle with special pin modes makes the libraries on that side an obvious benefit but the simplicity on this side would seem to almost make it more hassle than help.... to me anyway.
It's a good idea. Why don't you create a Q/A like this and attach it to your .SIG in your profile?
I should have something to show in a little bit.