I2C Question

I might be blind [my wife thinks so] but I haven't found any schematics on how to interface a 5V I2C sensor to the 3.3V Propeller. Do you use just the 5V pullup resistor and then the usual resistor between the Prop and the 5V bus?
There is also a specialised IC. The Texas Instruments PCA9306.
Inputs should also recognize 3.3V as high.
Am I wrong here?
But, most chips won't recognize 3.3V as logic high reliably. There might be simple tricks to get it to work...
My personal favorite way is to use the PCA9512 . This also allows the 5V I2C parts to be hot swappable...
"Low Cost PropStick variation for use with a PlugBoard"
Voltage translation between I2C buses running at 3.3V and 5V is strait forward.
See the schematic in the thread for theI2CLeverShifter. It uses 2 small MOSFETs and the pull up resisters on either side.
That circuitry is also useful for half-duplex, open-drain serial coms between 5v processors and the Propeller.
I also use this "Non-Inverting" circuit to interface to higher voltages, up to the voltage rating of the MOSFETs.