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Propeller Based Artificial Intelligence — Parallax Forums

Propeller Based Artificial Intelligence

TymkrsTymkrs Posts: 539
edited 2011-11-23 03:41 in Robotics
So while I'm posting some of our old projects, I also thought I'd introduce one of our new in-progress projects that we call FAI - otherwise known as Familiar Artificial Intelligence. Most of the day to day updates can be found on our tymkrs forums: and you are more than welcome to join in the conversations there:

But what steps we've done so far are:

1) Make Fai respond and pass on information to LEDs on the Prop Demo board from our IRC channel (#tymkrs on AfterNet)
2) Make Fai respond and pass on information to RGB LEDs so as to control via RGB values and names such as "Red", "Green", or "Blue" from our IRC channel (#tymkrs on AfterNet). Here's the video for that:

And our current step is working on making her able to be trainable so as to hold a conversation :) <-- specific forum topic covering the history and hopes.

Any suggestions?


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