Instant Audio/Video for Your Project

Somebody needs to build this into their robot ... $87.50
Car DVD player w/LCD screen, 320 watts & remote. First you better upgrade your speakers & batteries.
Or build it into your desktop computer.
And I suppose you could put it in a car if you had to... drive carefully while watching your favorite DVDs or MP4s on SD or USB drive!
That's the Ebay DoD, but for 2 bucks more you can get a real car wiring harness with the same unit:
When I remodeled my kitchen, I built a nice car stereo/CD into the wall & installed overhead wall speakers (actually car speakers I painted white). Tremendous sound on a budget. Powered by a small gel cell on constant trickle charge. Quite popular, dozen of my friends then copied my installation. Might need to upgrade to this so we can watch videos while cooking. If only it had a TV tuner built in...
Car DVD player w/LCD screen, 320 watts & remote. First you better upgrade your speakers & batteries.
Or build it into your desktop computer.
And I suppose you could put it in a car if you had to... drive carefully while watching your favorite DVDs or MP4s on SD or USB drive!
That's the Ebay DoD, but for 2 bucks more you can get a real car wiring harness with the same unit:
When I remodeled my kitchen, I built a nice car stereo/CD into the wall & installed overhead wall speakers (actually car speakers I painted white). Tremendous sound on a budget. Powered by a small gel cell on constant trickle charge. Quite popular, dozen of my friends then copied my installation. Might need to upgrade to this so we can watch videos while cooking. If only it had a TV tuner built in...
If you stop seeing "erco's deal of the day" soon, it might mean I was watching DVDs in my car and wrapped it around a light pole. JK...
Pyle makes smaller units:
$150... free ship... did I order too soon?
The "safety interlock" which stops you from driving while watching DVDs is the mysterious "pink wire". That's supposed to go to your parking brake electrical switch, which is switched to ground when your parking brake is on. IOW, DVDs play when that wire is grounded.
So my two questions are, what self-installer will ever bother hooking it up to the brake wire, and how many of these $10 brake bypass kits do they sell?