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DipTrace ? import a DXF — Parallax Forums

DipTrace ? import a DXF

$WMc%$WMc% Posts: 1,884
edited 2011-11-23 14:31 in General Discussion
Hello all
I'm trying to import a DXF file from rovingnetworks on the RN-171 foot print.
In my attempts it appears to get moved into the folder ok...But when I open it..I can not find the file or image?
In the help folder I see exporting DXF files but nothing on importing DXF files....Is this the problem?
heres the DXF
Any help would be great
Thanks in advance


  • WBA ConsultingWBA Consulting Posts: 2,936
    edited 2011-11-21 22:08
    I imported it into DipTrace PCB Layout and it came through fine (I believe). Attached is the file after I imported it. Does that help?

    Not sure of your skill level with DipTrace, so I apologize if you already know any of these key tips:

    Importing a DXF into DipTrace is a little tricky because the user interface is not self-explanatory in any way. Since the DXF of this PCB is 4 layers, first you have to add 2 internal layers to a new PCB layout file. Once that is done, start the DXF importer. To properly import the DXF, each layer needed needs to be assigned to a layer in DipTrace. For example, TopOverlay in the DXF needs to be assigned to Top Silk in DipTrace. You can use the checkmarks to turn layers on and off so you can determine where each layer truly belongs.
    The Convert Blocks mode needs to be set to Patterns. This will create part patterns for any blocks in the DXF, like the ICs for example, so that they are linked together as a single component. Once they are in PCB Layout, you should be able to save any of the parts into the part library.

    ******* The .DIP was uploaded with a TXT extension because the forum won't allow the .DIP file type. Just save the attachement and then dump the ".txt" from it.
  • $WMc%$WMc% Posts: 1,884
    edited 2011-11-22 16:23
    Thanks for the reply Andrew
    I am pretty new to DipTrace and I have never imported a DXF file before.(I didn't think it would be this involved)
    I tried your file you posted with the TXT removed and I still get an error "Format is incorrect".
    I'm not sure what your calling "The Convert Blocks mode" this probably isn't set to "Patterns"...I couldn't find this setting.
    I'm using the free-ware version of DipTrace...Could this be a problem?
    Thanks Again
    1024 x 754 - 26K
    1024 x 796 - 114K
  • WBA ConsultingWBA Consulting Posts: 2,936
    edited 2011-11-22 17:20
    It is possible that the freeware version is the problem, but to my knowledge that was only supposed to limit the number of holes or pads. Here are a few screen shots and a new file properly zipped. In the ImportFileOptionsSet.jpg screenshot, you can see the Convert Blocks mode drop-down box in the upper right.

    ps. What version are you using? I am using Version
  • $WMc%$WMc% Posts: 1,884
    edited 2011-11-23 14:31
    Thanks Andrew..
    I updated the DipTrace software from Ver. 32bit to 64bit.This did the trick.
    I'm running XP-64 and it can get buggy when running 32bit apps
    Your file loaded fine.(Roving1)
    I was also able to import the DXF file using the instructions you gave earlier in the posts.
    All is good now.
    You are the Man
    Thanks Again for your help.
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