Case opening tool.

I must be living under a rock. I never realized a tool like the little plastic gizmo shown on this page even existed:
I can't count the number of times I've marred snap-together plastic cases by opening them with a metal screwdriver.
Such tools seem to come in two varieties: the mini crowbar type pictured on the above webpage, and a style that could easily double as a guitar pick. One or the other will definitely get added to the toolbox!
I can't count the number of times I've marred snap-together plastic cases by opening them with a metal screwdriver.
Such tools seem to come in two varieties: the mini crowbar type pictured on the above webpage, and a style that could easily double as a guitar pick. One or the other will definitely get added to the toolbox!
I still think Jen has the best assortment of tools; axe, chainsaw, Jaws Of Life.
Just point her towards Harbor Freight for a single use device like the one shown above. Should complete her collection very nicely..... at least for the shop service kit.
Smart Phone Electronic Repair Tool Kit
Don't feel bad, if the screwdriver fails, you can always fall back on testing your hacksaw skills in hopes that you can glue it back together and nobody will notice. :-)