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Sending data to other web sites like pachube — Parallax Forums

Sending data to other web sites like pachube

HAndersonHAnderson Posts: 2
edited 2011-12-04 18:48 in Accessories
Can anyone start me in the right direction?
I would like to use the spinneret to send sensor data to pachube


  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2011-11-21 13:09
    Welcome to the forum.

    First you need to read up on the pachube API and what's required to talk to their servers.

    The Spinneret has source code to handle client HTTP GETs and POSTs to communicate with a web server. The links below will get you started.

    One of the tutorials takes advantage of HTTP PUT.

    It looks like Pachube uses SSL. I'm not aware of any code that handles certificates. However, SSL might not be a requirement for use of the pachube resources. You'll have research.
  • HAndersonHAnderson Posts: 2
    edited 2011-12-04 18:04
    Thanks Mike,

    Since your response, I have taken the time to look over the Pachube API, SSL is not required.
    I have worked through most of the examples on your links. I have a rudimentary grasp. Still quite not there yet.

    A couple of questions:
    Do I need the SD card, or can the spinneret just pass the data to Pachube?
    The thread Can I upload from Spinneret to a remote server? seemed to be a good template,
    but I got lost in the thread... seems like response #25, which is their modification of your HTTPserver.spin, is a good starting point?
    Sorry for the cluelessness, I really am new at this.
    ps. is there such a thing as a test site I can send data to simply to see if I got the basics down before trying to mess with pachube?

    Finally, is there a site that I can test a simple program, before trying to apply it to Pachube, to be certain I have the basics right.
    Sorry if the questions seem inane, I am very new at this.
  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2011-12-04 18:48
    Do I need the SD card, or can the spinneret just pass the data to Pachube?
    An SD card is not required.
    ps. is there such a thing as a test site I can send data to simply to see if I got the basics down before trying to mess with pachube?
    You can send an HTTP GET to any web site you like.
    Finally, is there a site that I can test a simple program, before trying to apply it to Pachube, to be certain I have the basics right.
    There are many free sites out there in the WWW. There's always paying for a hosting service which is pretty cheap these days.

    I build a simple web page that echos GET and POST collections. Feel free to use it till your heart is content.
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