What would you like to see from a 12inch humanoid robot

I know this is robotic-related but I'm hoping to get a general view so please don't bump my thread.
I have recently finished a platform that allows multiple features to our mini-humanoid robot. Currently, it can:
1. Tell stories
2. Play puppet
plus minor features like tells the time, stands correctly (if its laying on its back or front) etc.
I'd like to what you would expect this little guy to do for you?
I have recently finished a platform that allows multiple features to our mini-humanoid robot. Currently, it can:
1. Tell stories
2. Play puppet
plus minor features like tells the time, stands correctly (if its laying on its back or front) etc.
I'd like to what you would expect this little guy to do for you?
I'd been thinking for a while that a prop based humanoid robot (PropMan) would be possible, that using the capabilities of the prop and a gyro and servos that it could stand and ballance, and possibly even walk (controlled fall forward/step/ballance). Of course it'd need lipo batteries to get the power/weight right. Well done if you have already done this!
If you developed it to be prop based, then maybe have a framework that allowed you to develop/add in other prop modules - so the basic form might just have the mechanics subsystem (Prop & gyro to drive servos/ballance/walking etc.) and a command & control propeller system that directed the mechanics subsystem and linked into others. Other plugins might do things like use a Wii remote camera for tracking IR images (some work has been done here already). Follow an RF beacon (carried by a child, so the robot toddles/walks to stay in range). Lot's of opportunities. Simple voice recognition like the module Parallax used to sell would be nice. And an optional subsystem that gave it a head/movable eyes (not to see with - but to gesture), movable mouth & ability to smile.
After discussing with my wife, she got exited and mentioned that if it could have "sew" points, that allowed for a customized constume to be sowed on, ie. dog/bear/tiger/panda/etc. allowing for end user customization, then you could be a real hit for a child owner. ie. A Panda bear that read a bed time story and played basic games with a child could be a real hit!
Ideally if it could play games - like "Simon says" and other childs games (maybe peekaboo - sensing change in range/distance (ultrasonic? / sharp IR range detectors) )etc. That would be seriously cool ;-)
If you/Parallax had it as a kit then I'd be seriously interested.
Congratuations if you've already made some progress on this!
Yes, adding a camera will my top priority.
Give it a range of Parallax air quality sensors to warn you of CO, CO2, etc. in the house. I read in a hack-a-day forum of other "air quality" sensors in a single package. Alarm when air quality event is reached - ie. too much CO. This would be possible.
Alarm clock/Calendar/Nag (depending on a WIFI connection and integration into other systems to publish your calendar (outlook?) though a lot of system integration!).
- Wakes you up in the morning
- Tells you of your schedule (don't forget you have the car service today)
- Nags you (Your wife's birthday is next week, you need to buy her a present. Don't forget to call your mother, it's been two weeks now. Your turn to pick up the kids. Uni assignment due in 33 days. Pick up milk on the way home as it's about to expire based on the last one you bought).
Actually - don't add the "nag" feature - the users will void the warranty in less than a week!
Far reaching goals for ideas maybe the Robot "teddy" from the movie AI, "Major Chip Hazzard" from Small Soldiers. Again these should be considered for ideas and far reaching goals, not as currently achievable. Bicentenial Man, and others.
"I am sorry, Grandpa, but your health coverage this year has been zero-funded and your reverse mortgage is in the red. Please return your hip replacement to your in-home health care provider immediately."
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Norquist, but you have exceeded your allotted usage of Preparation H.... Emergency cost-saving pill extraction will begin in 5... 4... 3... 2....1..."
Frankly, I don't want or need a humanoid robot to tell time & stories and dance.
You asked!
I saw that episode when I was a kid. Freaked me out. Strange, but in my memory one of the little bots (I think the one that cuts the lady's hand) looked a lot like the B-9 robot on Lost in Space. Am I wrong about that? My memory wires crossed or something?
In any case, when MacTux mentioned a 12 inch figure, those were the bots that came to mind. Erco, between this and your turkey hand sweater comment, you're freaking me out.
Second choice would be "Follow me" where the little bot would follow moving objects..... hopefully the toy's owner
Who knows? with the right feature set, you might sell a million of em'
If money were no object (unlikely for a kid's toy) autonomous navigation would be the ticket.
- Low/reasonable cost platform
- Basic movement (walking capability accross a range of surfaces (as Erco mentioned) which I think a lot of this has to do with ballance change detection and reaction)
- Modular platform (allowing for featuring up)
- Open platfom (documented connectivity to base, supporting innovation)
I recall years ago trying to learn ballroom dancing, and realised that a lot of it was just joining together a library of moves into a macro function called "waltz". Then in execution higher level functions gave destination objective and predictability of collision/imminent alert of collision requiring significant change.
Probably likewise with this guy, having an open platform with documented connectivity and a library of micro and macro functions. Which can then be directed by a command module/additional modules.
Your organization could sell both the base platform and your version of the enhanced platform (ie. targeted for kids). The open source community could further develop this, thus reducing your development costs, leading to a wider market reach and selling more units.
Thank you very much for everyone's inputs. They are very valuable & constructive comments/suggestions.
Some of the suggested items had already been done (proto-typed & tested) during these 2 years of working on this. What Zoopydogsit suggested is actually what I had done for this controller. Currently, it is powered by 1 Prop1 but it has a 20-pin connector for future feature e.g. 2nd Prop1, Gyroscope, Xbee wireless, etc. I've even tested a similar real-steel type proto-type using XBee. There are so many features that can be added that I think only a community like all of you can realise it.
I'll be selling this controller through our company's web-site (dead-line of completion had been pushed many times) hopefully by next week.
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For you, we could program a Tai Chi session, hopefully it will be convincing enough for others to follow. Will pose up to YouTube next week.
Thanks - that would be great! For those following along, Tai Chi can balance your Chi, reduce Hypertension, reduce the heart rate, and induce relaxed states of mind and body similar to Yoga. Some people have called it "life extension."
I remember working on a limited subset of Tai Chi for the HT, Humanoid Toddler.
How about something along the lines of a walking "See and Say" You could have a line of toys with embedded RFIDS. Hold up a toy horse and the robot says "A horse says Woof WOOF!"
It could provide help with math flash cards in a similar fashion, or interactive books, maybe color and shape identification as well.
No yakking no dancing.
If it can walk properly that would be enough.
And not human ability necessarily, but maybe something along the lines of a dog and its limited ability to learn.
Thank you David, Skoorb, Heater & Bill190. Yes, the initial & current objective is still to reach out to young children. I'll continue to add features that will lean more to this objective. Yes, walking "properly" on different terrain is extremely difficult. I have got it to walk but not "properly" as like a human. More work needed.
The learning capability is also very important & is part of the P-Mode. So, each MTY will start to have its own personality base on the interaction with the child/user.