Anyone know of a 12V USB powered hub for sale?

I've looked at many, many different USB powered hubs and it seems that just about all of them have a 5V power adapter. I'd like to find a good 7-port USB 2.0 hub that would come with a 12V DC adapter. As far as I can tell most of them use a regulated 5V supply externally and don't have any voltage regulators inside.
Saw one on ebay cheap that was advertised as having a 12V adapter and bought one but of course it actually came with a 5V adapter.....
If I don't find one soon I'll just build my own 12V to 5V power adapter for it but I'd rather spend time working on other parts of the project.
Saw one on ebay cheap that was advertised as having a 12V adapter and bought one but of course it actually came with a 5V adapter.....
If I don't find one soon I'll just build my own 12V to 5V power adapter for it but I'd rather spend time working on other parts of the project.
Here's another:
I think one of those hubs from digi that is meant for mobile use in a car or truck may be perfect. I'm sure I saw that Kanex 7-port over at Microcenter and the one I saw there had a 5V adapter in the box.
Come to think of it I can probably search for ones meant for Marine use since most of those would be DC powered too.
Thanks for the links.
It seems that most of the USB hubs work with 5V and I have a couple of those hubs that I can use. By using a 12V to 5V DC/DC converter I can use just about any of the hubs out there.
I'll definitely keep the automotive type hubs from Digi and the ones through MP3 car in mind for future project.
Thanks for the suggestions!
Most of them are just a generic 7805 regulator inside, poorly or non-heatsinked, with 2 filter caps. Barely in spec since a 7805 is rated at 1 amp, and this particular adapter has 2 USB ports, ports typically rated 500 mA. Simple, cheap and crappy at the same time, without compromising any of the inherent shortcomings of those features.
Actually, that built-in red LED indicator might just push us over the 1.0 A current rating...
This wouldn't work on the robot I am building now since the laptop is on board inside. A good option for some other robots.
I should have my 12V to 5V DC/DC converter by this weekend and will let everyone know how it works out.