Will start_lmm become a standard library function?

I'm starting to document the second Toggle Tutorial which is lmm_c_toggle - starting a second LMM engine in its own COG. This example uses the lmm_start function which seems to be a perfect candidate for a standard library routine(provided it is modified to return a COG ID or Error indicator instead of void).
Is that a safe assumption for future releases so the user doesn't need to be burdened with
It would be much nicer to just be able to
This isn't something I want to explain in the tutorials!
Is that a safe assumption for future releases so the user doesn't need to be burdened with
extern unsigned int _load_start_kernel[];or the stack manipulation to put the function address onto the stack before calling cognew()?
It would be much nicer to just be able to
start_lmm(do_toggle, cog1_stack + STACK_SIZE);without needing to put the start_lmm function into your code each time.
This isn't something I want to explain in the tutorials!
