encoder problem
Posts: 2
I'm new to encoders! Copied som code i found on the net using XOR to decide CW/CCW rotation.
But... I can only get the encoder to count UP with that code. Tried some other variations of the code, but I can only get it to count up.
' {$STAMP BS2p}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' encoder, signals on P8 and P9 (two lsbs of nibC)
' using XOR logic
old VAR Nib ' previous state, only two bits
new VAR Nib ' current state
ob VAR old.BIT0 ' bits to test
nb VAR new.BIT1
cnt VAR Word ' for demonstration
DIRD=0 ' make port C inputs
old = IND & 0110 ' read initial state of inputs
new = IND & 0110 ' read state of encoder, two bits
IF new=old THEN decode ' loop until change to new state
cnt=ob^nb*2-1+cnt ' calculate motion
old=new ' new becomes old
GOTO decode
Help me
I'm new to encoders! Copied som code i found on the net using XOR to decide CW/CCW rotation.
But... I can only get the encoder to count UP with that code. Tried some other variations of the code, but I can only get it to count up.
' {$STAMP BS2p}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' encoder, signals on P8 and P9 (two lsbs of nibC)
' using XOR logic
old VAR Nib ' previous state, only two bits
new VAR Nib ' current state
ob VAR old.BIT0 ' bits to test
nb VAR new.BIT1
cnt VAR Word ' for demonstration
DIRD=0 ' make port C inputs
old = IND & 0110 ' read initial state of inputs
new = IND & 0110 ' read state of encoder, two bits
IF new=old THEN decode ' loop until change to new state
cnt=ob^nb*2-1+cnt ' calculate motion
old=new ' new becomes old
GOTO decode
Help me
The comments should let you get your code working. Take care that your encoder inputs are on the correct pins!
GOTO start
HIGH 0 ' pin 0 turns on led if turning clockwise
As long as you have counter-1 and counter+1 in the right places, it sure should work. Throw in a few temporary debug statements adjacent to the counter +/- commands to make sure the program is transferring properly.