Propeller and TeLit_865 Cellular Project Start-up, Need advise.
I have started this Program to send AT commands to a TeLit 865cf Cellular module via the Propeller for SMS messaging. This is Just the starting point to verify that the TeLit_865cf module is receiving the commands from the Propeller, learning as I proceed with this project so please be patient :>) I am using a PDB and ViewPort to monitor transmission and just learning these as well. I need help to make sure that I am using Extended_Full_Duplex_Serial correctly and have made comments on the lines that I need Help with. Any advise would be Greatly appreciated and I hope this helps other's delving into Cellular as well.
CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x ' Feedback and PLL multiplier _xinfreq = 5_000_000 ' External oscillator = 5 MHz wait = 5_000_000 VAR long stack[30] OBJ serial : "Extended_Full_Duplex_Serial" PUB MAIN serial.Stop serial.RxFlush serial.start(31,30,0,115,200) serial.str(String("AT+CMGF=1")) 'I will comment these commands once I make sure I'm using the Object correctly. wait serial.str(String("AT+CPMS="ME"")) wait serial.str(String("AT+CNMI=1,1,0,0,0")) wait serial.str(String("AT+CMGS"+???????????"")) 'Phone number to send Message to. wait serial.dec(26) 'I need to send CTL+Z in this line. wait serial.dec(?) 'I need to send ENTER in this line. wait serial.str(String("Testing Equipment") 'Text Message to Send to Cellular Device. wait serial.dec(?) 'I need to send ENTER in this line to send the message. serial.Stop 'Stop the Cog that the call to Extended_Full_Duplex_Serial started.
Moved my finger off the Enter key while looking at the ASCII chart :-)
Will Post the up-dated code later tonight.