Black Friday Deals
Save on boards, robots, motors & servos. And yes, they carry Parallax robots, though none are on sale AFAIK.
Save on boards, robots, motors & servos. And yes, they carry Parallax robots, though none are on sale AFAIK.
I got some really great deals from Pololu last year, and they have been good people to work with.
-- Gordon
We've got a weekend sale of our own...
...and free shipping on orders over $100.
Have a great weekend, y'all!
Cheers, JJ
It probably says something that I have the forums in my bookmarks but not the Parallax home page.
Do I need a Hydra kit?? Do I need a Scribbler 2 for the kid (and/or a "backup" for me)??
Decisions, decisions........
Woke up today and Santa came early! ^_^ Order it, some EPROMS and been also wanting a few 6MHZ xtals.
Now that's a Black Friday Sale!!!! ^_^
Thank you Parallax!!!! ^_^
The door buster 3pis are GONE already, don't bother waiting for midnight tonight! All the remaining coupons are good thru Monday. So get your sleep tonite and go battle the crowds tomorrow for big screen TVs.
Don't question the economic principles at play, just go with the spirit of the season! I'm not getting up early to go fight crowds but I sure did set the alarm for 3am to click submit on an online order. Yes, Virginia, Santa is bringing me a 3pi door buster!
.....and an S2 for the kid.....and maybe a Hydra for mom in her kerchief..
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!!
Happy shopping!
Haha! It's never hard to find that little something extra when you need to spend more!
I'm still trying to decide if I need a Hydra.
I ended up with a spare S2 for me and an S2 Christmas present for my 10 year old daughter. a few other goodies I NEEDED.
I'm dreaming of a Robot Christmas!!
4x4 Matrix Membrane Keypad
Dual Motor Driver MC33926 28820
Memsic 2125 Dual-axis Accelerometer
2 PIR Sensors
X-Band Motion Detector
Propeller Proto Board USB
2 Round Standoff 4/40, 0.625 in
2 Round Standoff 4/40, 1.25 in
2 Universal Mounting Bracket
Between this order and the eBay sonar sensor you'll notice a distinct motion detection theme.
Update: I have to say that propeller USB proto board is a complete steal at $20.00. I probably should have ordered more at that price.
Martin_H: Do you HONESTLY feel that the Propeller USB Proto board represents a better value than the BS1 Project board, also $20?
Uh is this a trick question?
Actually I think shipping an empty box would cost most companies $20, so the fact that there's something useful in the box is gravy.
The BS1 has 256 BYTES of memory, EIGHT I/O lines, and executes up 2000 instructions per second! Not to be messed with!
I feel bad for you, ripping yourself off all these years. Get one now, before you lose anymore money on those last-century microcontrollers!
Come on! I thought you were the deal seeker, after all!!
Inspired by THIS contest: but no walls, just run in the open.
Anybody wanna cowboy up? Arduino? Mindstorms? VEX? AVR? PIC? I'm sticking with my BS1, 'cuz sometimes nothing can be a real cool hand.