Hack-Worthy: $10 Car Alarm

I lied. $9.99 shipped. 2 Remotes, siren, multiple inputs multiple modes multiple outputs. If this ain't hackable, nothing is.
Put your S2 on security duty. Give it a PIR, a remote, and turn him loose!
Oh, and I suppose it could ALSO be used as a car alarm. But what fun is that?
I lied. $9.99 shipped. 2 Remotes, siren, multiple inputs multiple modes multiple outputs. If this ain't hackable, nothing is.
Put your S2 on security duty. Give it a PIR, a remote, and turn him loose!
Oh, and I suppose it could ALSO be used as a car alarm. But what fun is that?
They can both blink the lights on a ...oh..I dunno...Corvair?
After you place a battery in it.
It's justified though, I was cleaning the basement this morning and threw out a BIG box of junk....so the universal equilibrium is a bit off right now.