project chair
I just got an awesome chair for free.It needs batteries though.Im not quite sure what Im going to do with it yet.Feel free to give opinions and be sure to stick around and help Im sure I'll need lots.The final product should be rad;)
I'd like to do some sort of beefed up eddie with MSRD perhaps. It'll take some time drawing it in cad.
thought of a RF lawn mower,a segway, maybe a telepresance bot IDK
I'd like to do some sort of beefed up eddie with MSRD perhaps. It'll take some time drawing it in cad.
thought of a RF lawn mower,a segway, maybe a telepresance bot IDK
says these motors will move 450lbs ooo...
Just a suggestion. Sounds fairly worthwhile to me right now... Properly handled, it could even be media-worthy. Ken might donate parts, a bunch of PINGs perhaps. If not, I can tell you where get ultrasonic sensors for $4...
My recommendation, assuming it works well, sell it on craigslist for about $500. Then, again using craigslist, find one that is not as good condition and buy it for $200 or less. Use what's left to buy a new set of batteries.
A Intellegent wheel chair would be something. You could just say kitchen and your chair would go there.
When it;'s time to take your medications your chair would take you to them.
Would automatiically go to the charging station once you got out of it and went to bed and then would wake up and meet you at you bed side in the mornning.
Mount a couple sensors on it and it could monitor the person sitting in it.
I get nervous about relying on automation for situatiuon that could result in injury or death. For example, failure to detect an emergency, or failure to notify time for meds, etc. It would be inconvenient to get run over by your chair if it thinks it should go to the charging station when you fall out of it. Even a lawn mower, any minor failure could result in severe injury.
But as long as you realize it will be dangerous, I was thinking automated Dalek. THAT would be REALLY dangerous! At least people would know to keep the heck out of the way. After you work out the safety stuff for a couple years, THEN make a product for human use.