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Procedure not working while activating using cognew() — Parallax Forums

Procedure not working while activating using cognew()

att_jayatt_jay Posts: 10
edited 2011-11-16 19:05 in General Discussion
I have written a basic spin code that uses two cogs cog1 and cog2, of which one is used to generate a stream of pulse (square wave) and other be used to see the Active high condition of the pulse to increment a counter. The cog0 (main cog) is then used to update the display based on the cog1 incremented value.
Following code I have written to do this...
1. I cannot be able to run the _Counterprocess procedure while using cognew(), however if i declare _Counterprocess in main cog0 then it runs.
2. Please suggest any change in the code that helps in running cog1 independent of cog0 etc.

_clkmode = xtal1 + pll8x
_xinfreq = 5_000_000
long Stack[9], Stack1[20]

PUB main
cognew(_Toggle(Pin,400_000), @Stack)
cognew(_Counterprocess(@_counter0), @Stack1)
repeat 100_000
_ComCNTR := _ComCNTR + 1
if (_switch := ina[P13]) == 0
outa[P14] := 0
if (_pulsein := ina[P11]) == 1
_ComCNTR := 0
_Sfcounter := _Sfcounter + _Sfactor
if _Sfcounter => _Target
if _counter0 == 9
_counter0 := 0
_counter0 := _counter0 + 1

_Sfcounter := _Sfcounter - _Target
while(_Sfcounter => _Target)
_CNTR := 1
repeat until (_pulsein := ina[P11]) == 0
_pulsein := 0
_CNTR := 0

while(_CNTR <> 0)

PUB _Toggle(P,_Delay) ' pulse generation
repeat 1000
waitcnt(_Delay + cnt)

PUB _Counterprocess(_counter00) ' to see the count value and display on LCD
CASE byte[_counter00]
0: _WriteZero($11)
1: _WriteOne($11)
2: _WriteTwo($11)
3: _WriteThree($11)
4: _WriteFour($11)
5: _WriteFive($11)
6: _WriteSix($11)
7: _WriteSeven($11)
8: _WriteEight($11)
9: _WriteNine($11)


  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2011-11-16 04:49
    When posting your code wrap the code in [ code ] [/ code ] tags. Indentation is an important part of the SPIN language and without the proper formatting we must infer meaning. Post all your code not just the block that has a suspected problem. Errors are often elsewhere.

    Forum Tag Reference

    For sanity sake, don't start a method with the underscore character. The underscore style is used to identify private variable members of an object.
  • att_jayatt_jay Posts: 10
    edited 2011-11-16 05:48
    Thanks Mike for your reply. I am posting the code below based on the reply
    {{First Propeller Program
    To Test various features/command set for display}}
      _clkmode = xtal1 + pll8x 
      _xinfreq = 5_000_000 
      rs= 4               'Register select
      en= 5               'Enable
      msb = 3             'Highest dataline
      lsb = 0             'Lowest dataline
      'LCD Commands
      EightBitInit = 3    'Eight Bit mode
      FourBitInit = 2     'Four Bit mode
      ClearLcd = 1        'Clear the LCD
      CursorBlink = $0F   'Turn the cursor on and blink it
      NoCursor = $0C      'Turn the cursor off
      'LCD constants
      lcdlines = 4        '# of lines on the LCD. Assumes the lines are a power of 2 (1,2,4,8,16,etc..)
      linelength = 20     'LCD line length  
      Line1 = $80         'Address of the First Line
      Line2 = $C0         'Address of the Second Line
      Line3 = $94         'Address of the Third Line
      Line4 = $D4         'Address of the Fourth Line  
      lf = $0A            'Line Feed code
      cr = $0D            'Carriage Return code
      esc = $1B           'Escape code
      eos = $FF           'End Of String code
      eog = $ff           'End of Custom Graphics Load command
      cgra = $40          'Address of the cgram
      off = 0             'Cursor State constant
      on = 1              'Cursor State constant
      space = $20
     P0  =  1  ' Data0 (Output)
     P1  =  2  ' Data1 (Output)
     P2  =  3  ' Data2 (Output)
     P3  =  4  ' Data3 (Output)
     P4  =  5  ' Data4 (Output) 
     P5  =  6  ' Data5 (Output)  
     P6  =  7  ' Data6 (Output)
     P7  =  8  ' Data7 (Output)
     P8 = 13   ' RS    (Output)
     P9 = 14   ' R/W   (Output)
     P10 = 15  ' EN    (Output)
     P11 = 16  ' Pulse (Input)
     P12 = 17 ' Backlight (Output)
     P13 = 18 ' Nz switch (Input)
     P14 = 19 ' Motor On/Off  (Output)
     Pin = 20
     i2cSCL = 28
     i2cSDA = 29
     Delay1 = 400
     Delay2 = 400
     finaldelay = 200
     EEPROM_Addr   = %1010_0000
      byte CurrentLine    'Current Line position Value 0-3
      byte CurrentPos     'Current Column position Value 0-19
      byte CursorState
      byte ddra           'Screen Data address
      byte   _counterd,_counter0, _counter1, _counter2, _counter3, _counter4, _CNTR, _nzswitch, _Activestate, _FlDelFinish, _ReadyNewDely,_VARB
      byte _reset, aa, _pulsein, t, _Stop
      long _Sfactor, _Sfcounter, _Target, _ComCNTR
      long Stack[9], Stack1[20]
     DT : "displaytest"
    PUB _prog 
     dira[P11] := 0
     dira[P12] := 1
     dira[P13] := 0
     dira[P14] := 1
     _Target := 2500
     _Sfactor :=  2500
     repeat 1
     _counter0 := 1
     _counter1 := 0
     _counter2 := 0
     _counter3 := 0
     _counter4 := 0
     _Sfcounter := 0
     _FlDelFinish := 0
     _ComCNTR := 0
     _CNTR := 0
     cognew(_Toggle(Pin,400_000), @Stack)
     cognew(_Counterprocess(@_counter0), @Stack1)  
     aa := 0
      outa[P14] := 1    
      repeat 100_000 
       _ComCNTR := _ComCNTR + 1 
       if (_nzswitch := ina[P13]) == 0  
        outa[P14] := 0
       if (_pulsein := ina[P11]) == 1 
        _ComCNTR := 0
        aa := 1
        _Sfcounter := _Sfcounter + _Sfactor  
        if _Sfcounter => _Target
          if _counter0 == 9
           _counter0 := 0
           _counter0 := _counter0 + 1
          _Sfcounter := _Sfcounter - _Target
         while(_Sfcounter => _Target)    
        _CNTR := 1
        repeat until (_pulsein := ina[P11]) == 0
        'aa := 0
        _pulsein := 0
        _CNTR := 0   
     while(_CNTR <> 0) 
     outa[P14] := 0   
     _nzswitch := ina[P13]
     if _nzswitch == 0
      _FlDelFinish := 1
      _ReadyNewDely := 1
      _VARB := 1   
      if _nzswitch == 1 AND _ComCNTR == 100_000
       _FlDelFinish := 1
       _ReadyNewDely := 0
       _VARB := 0
        if (_nzswitch := ina[P13]) == 0
         _VARB := 1
         _ReadyNewDely := 1
      _nzswitch := ina[P13]
      if _nzswitch == 1 AND _FlDelFinish == 1  AND _ReadyNewDely == 1 AND _VARB == 1
       if (_nzswitch := ina[P13]) == 1 
     char0       byte $05,$05,$0D,$15,$0F,$05,$05,$05      'CG Ram data 
    PUB _Toggle(P,_Delay)
     repeat 1000
      waitcnt(_Delay + cnt)
    '(@_counter0,P13,@_Sfcounter,@_ComCNTR, @_Stop)
    PUB _Counterprocess(_counter00)
      CASE byte[_counter00]
       0: _WriteZero($11)    
       1: _WriteOne($11)    
       2: _WriteTwo($11)
       3: _WriteThree($11)
       4: _WriteFour($11)
       5: _WriteFive($11)
       6: _WriteSix($11)
       7: _WriteSeven($11)
       8: _WriteEight($11)
       9: _WriteNine($11)
    PUB _Initialize |_row, _col
     _row := 0
     _col := 0
     repeat 105
    PUB _DisplayOff
     outa[P12] := 0
    PUB _DisplayOn
     outa[P12] := 1  
    PUB _Setfirst
     if _counter1 == 9
      _counter1 := 0
      _counter1 := _counter1 + 1
     CASE _counter1
      0: _WriteZero($0C)    
      1: _WriteOne($0C)    
      2: _WriteTwo($0C)
      3: _WriteThree($0C)
      4: _WriteFour($0C)
      5: _WriteFive($0C)
      6: _WriteSix($0C)
      7: _WriteSeven($0C)
      8: _WriteEight($0C)
      9: _WriteNine($0C)
    PUB _SetSecond
     if _counter2 == 9
      _counter2 := 0
      _counter2 := _counter2 + 1
     CASE _counter2
      0: _WriteZero($08)    
      1: _WriteOne($08)    
      2: _WriteTwo($08)
      3: _WriteThree($08)
      4: _WriteFour($08)
      5: _WriteFive($08)
      6: _WriteSix($08)
      7: _WriteSeven($08)
      8: _WriteEight($08)
      9: _WriteNine($08)
    PUB _SetThird
     if _counter3 == 9
      _counter3 := 0
      _counter3 := _counter3 + 1
     CASE _counter3
      0: _WriteZero($04)    
      1: _WriteOne($04)    
      2: _WriteTwo($04)
      3: _WriteThree($04)
      4: _WriteFour($04)
      5: _WriteFive($04)
      6: _WriteSix($04)
      7: _WriteSeven($04)
      8: _WriteEight($04)
      9: _WriteNine($04)
    PUB _SetFourth
     if _counter4 == 9
      _counter4 := 0
      _counter4 := _counter4 + 1
     CASE _counter4
      0: _WriteZero($00)    
      1: _WriteOne($00)    
      2: _WriteTwo($00)
      3: _WriteThree($00)
      4: _WriteFour($00)
      5: _WriteFive($00)
      6: _WriteSix($00)
      7: _WriteSeven($00)
      8: _WriteEight($00)
      9: _WriteNine($00)
    PUB SetZero(a)
    PUB _Blank(a)
    PUB _WriteZero(a)
    PUB _WriteOne(a)
    PUB _WriteTwo(a)
     _SetDDRAmaddr(a+$94)  ''''
    PUB _WriteThree(a)
    PUB _WriteFour(a)
    PUB _WriteFive(a)
     _SetDDRAmaddr(a+$C1) 'C1   
     _SetDDRAmaddr(a+$95) 'C1   
    PUB _WriteSix(a)
    PUB _WriteSeven(a)
    PUB _WriteEight(a)
    PUB _WriteNine(a)
    PUB _WriteDecimal(a)
    PUB _SetCGRAMaddr(a)
     outa[P10] := 0          'Set CGRAM ADRESS adrress P7..P0 (DDRAM address)
     waitcnt(Delay1 + cnt)        '
     outa[P10] := 1
     waitcnt(Delay2 + cnt)
     outa[P8] := 0   'DB6  RS
     outa[P9] := 0   'DB7  R/W
     outa[P7..P0] := a
    PUB _WriteCGRAM(a)
     outa[P10] := 0          'Write CGRAM  adrress P7..P0 (CGRAM DATA)
     waitcnt(Delay1 + cnt)        '
     outa[P10] := 1
     waitcnt(Delay2 + cnt)
     outa[P8] := 1   'DB6  RS
     outa[P9] := 0   'DB7  R/W  
     outa[P7..P0] := a
    PUB _SetDDRAmaddr(a)
     outa[P10] := 0          'Set DDRAM ADRESS adrress P7..P0 (DDRAM address)
     waitcnt(Delay1 + cnt)        '
     outa[P10] := 1
     waitcnt(Delay2 + cnt)
     outa[P8] := 0   'DB6  RS
     outa[P9] := 0   'DB7  R/W
     outa[P7..P0] := a 
    PUB _WriteDDRAM(a)
     outa[P10] := 0
     waitcnt(Delay1 + cnt)        ' SET DDRAM FOR WRITE with address at P7...P0 (CGROM address) 
     outa[P10] := 1
     waitcnt(Delay2 + cnt)
     outa[P8] := 1   'DB6  RS
     outa[P9] := 0   'DB7  R/W
     outa[P7..P0] := a
    PUB _ReadDDRAM(a)
     outa[P10] := 0
     waitcnt(Delay1 + cnt)        '  SET DDRAM FOR READ at adrress P7..P0 (DDRAM address)
     outa[P10] := 1
     waitcnt(Delay2 + cnt)
     outa[P8] := 1   'DB6  RS
     outa[P9] := 1   'DB7  R/W
     outa[P7..P0] := a
    PUB Clear
     waitcnt(Delay1 + cnt)   
     outa[P10] := 1
     waitcnt(Delay2 + cnt)
     outa[P9..P0] := %0000000001
     outa[P10] := 0
    {PUB DisplayOFF
     waitcnt(Delay1 + cnt)   
     outa[P10] := 1
     waitcnt(Delay2 + cnt)
     outa[P9..P0] := %0000001001  }
     outa[P10] := 0   
    PUB _Pause(msec)| _t
     _t := cnt
     repeat until (cnt - _t) / (clkfreq / 1000) > msec
  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2011-11-16 19:05
    att_jay, you have a lot going on there. The first thing that stands out is the _counter0 variable. PUB _Counterprocess(_counter00) spins up with a reference to a global the global variable; _counter0 . The main COG updates _counter0 in an infinite repeat. If your code worked before rolling _Counterprocess in a new COG then I suspect you have resource access issues. Plus_Counterprocess process and _prog are accessing the same IO at the same time. I did not see any marshing of IO access but I might have missed something.
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