Igot some problems with the commands: Do & Loop. Wheni type does commands the system do not recognized like commandcodes. The y just stay in black like normal text do.
Iam doing it in the following form to be more specific.
Debug“blah blah”
DebugCR, “blah blah”
(Anyhelp will be appreciated)
Iam doing it in the following form to be more specific.
Debug“blah blah”
DebugCR, “blah blah”
(Anyhelp will be appreciated)
Is there any chance you can post the actual code you're using?
Welcome to the forum! We're very happy to have you here. But please be aware that cross-posting (i.e. posting the same message in more than one location) is against forum rules. Also, you don't need to shout. A normal-sized font will get just as much attention as a large one.
Gosh cgx,
Phil was just pointing out that cross posting is not allowed in these forums.
And he had a warm welcome also. I would try to stay on the good side of Phil. Did you notice his number of posts?
Would you share how you solved your problem that others may benefit?
Print"I must be more civil to other forum members"
loop until attitude changes
He is a newbee....cut him some slack !!!
It takes a few posts to see how things work here....
He will get
cgx - please relate the fix; I'd like to know.
I was trying to be gentle as possible realizing he is a new member.
It was not you that I was referring too