DS1302 add ons
I'm looking for routines to add a scheduler and control buttons to the DS1302_full object. I want to be able to use the buttons to set the time and date without a PC interface. I looked through the OBEX and did not find anything that looked like it would work. Anybody have any suggestions?
Here's how I use the button. This loop is in cog 0, as all the work is being done in other cogs...
My various cog methods check the flag 'settingRTC' to see if they should alter their behavior. For instance, the 'clock' cog:
other cogs test for the flag similarly. And these two functions tie it up. I think you'll find the object (beau1button) is well documented and easy to understand.
If you would like to see a bit more about my project using a PCA9555 bus extender, check out my post in the next few weeks as I will be posting a new update. http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?134537-PPDB-Using-the-full-PPDB-Code-Version-1.3 .