[FOR SALE] Boe Bot Kit with Ping kit and Gripper Kit
For Sale: One used Boe Bot Robot Kit-USB version (item code228832) along with a new ping sensor kit (item code 910-28015A) and a new Gripper Kit (item code 28202). The ping kit and gripper kit are unopened,the boe bot kit was used for a class project, to see it in action here’s aYoutube video presentation for the project:

I’ve decided to move up to a stingray so I’m trying to raise some funds.
All 3 kits $150.
You can email me at xking806@att.netor send me a PM.
Thanks and happy shopping!

I’ve decided to move up to a stingray so I’m trying to raise some funds.
All 3 kits $150.
You can email me at xking806@att.netor send me a PM.
Thanks and happy shopping!