Crypto Demo: DES / RSA

I myself are surprised, that the crypto routines from the book "MasteringAlgorithms with C" by Kyle Loudon,
published by O'Reilly & Associates run with propeller-elf-gcc and minimalistic adaptions.
In the attached zipfile is a mk.bat for easy compile and run (under windows).
best regards,
I myself are surprised, that the crypto routines from the book "MasteringAlgorithms with C" by Kyle Loudon,
published by O'Reilly & Associates run with propeller-elf-gcc and minimalistic adaptions.
In the attached zipfile is a mk.bat for easy compile and run (under windows).
best regards,
Nice find, Reinhard, about DES and RSA. Thanks!
the DES algo is sometimes implementet in hardware, it is a huge XOR orgy.
In the demo a 8 bit key is used, usually in commercial application a TripleDes (24 bit) is used.
But the princip is the same, needs only more memory.
The RSA is quite simple math, see:
but hard to implement on small processors.
the algo based on finding very large prime numbers,
in the demo is calculated with small numbers. ( but the princip is the same)
Maybe the independents cog can used to find primes with a clever algo!
best regards