Best way to create linear movement in a string of 32 LEDs
I am developing an educational display to illustrate the flow of grain from a semi-trailer through an elevator and into a storage bin. I will be using 32 LEDs to demonstrate the flow of grain. I was planning on using 3 - 74HC595 Serial to Parallel shift registers but was wondering if there was a better way to create linear movement in a string of LEDs like the old movie houses that had the lighted marquees and the lights looked as if they were moving from one side of the sign to the other continuously.
Update: On second thought, you don't need the shift registers at all. Just wire your LEDs in 3 groups of 12 LEDs (36 total), such that each sequential LED in the string comes from the next group: ABCABCABC... Drive the LEDs in each group with an open-collector transistor, series-parallel fashion, with maybe four LEDs and a current-limiting resistor in each string, the strings being paralleled. The three transistors could be controlled by a BS1.
A BS1 can drive 28 of those relays directly!
There is another way, using a sparkfun RGB led strip which has 32 leds per metre. It only needs 3 pins, and if using the propeller there is a demo object in the obex already.
When testing I had exactly that kind of pattern streaming along the incoming power socket which was hanging down from the ceiling (convenient for keeping a straight 1 metre for testing). Really quite effective, especially from a medium distance. It lets you spend your time tuning for all kinds of neat effects, instead of soldering...
step1: a 555 configured to give ~1 sec pulse.
step2: pulse to a 4017
If you run the whole curcuit at 9-12v, you could put 3leds in series (with just one resistor,,2.2,10,3,0)
spaced 10 a part. (=30 led display)
As LED in series use the same current as a single led, you just need higher voltage. (Forward Voltage *Leds)
Or the 4022 for LEDs spaced max 8 a part.
I built an LED chaser kit years ago. I think this is how the circuit worked.
I like the transistor fired groups personally. It's the basis for lots of other cool projects..... and it gives you the possibility to dim the LEDs, make a dimmed trail and other stuff
Or you only have 3V and therefore putting Leds in serie is not possible.
Though you could just use more 4017 in parallel that share the first ones reset line.
You don't have to use 10 (or 8) spacing, you can bring reset pin to pin 4-to-7 if you want less spaced leds.
Use an array instead of single transistors|0
Thanks again,
Timing is everything!
Thanks Erco