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Send Strings From Mobile Phone to 7Segment Display over Bluetooth — Parallax Forums

Send Strings From Mobile Phone to 7Segment Display over Bluetooth

leoncoolzleoncoolz Posts: 1
edited 2011-11-13 21:38 in Robotics
Hello everyone, i'm working on my final project. I need some help how to send an input string from mobile phone to a device which is connected to EasyBluetooth module (in this case i think it will be one way communication). Am using J2ME and have no idea about using RFCOMM protocol and how to make a program with it. Can someone help me coz i never make java stuff especially with bluetooth ? Am also using microcontroller on my device.

So easybluetooth module is connected to microcontroller, and another 7segment display is connected to microcontroller too. The idea is whatever u write on the phone, u can send it over bluetooth to the easybluetooth module and display it to the 7segment.

Your help is so much appreciated..please send it to


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2011-11-13 21:38
    We can't do your "final project" for you. We also can only advise you on programming one of Parallax's microcontrollers. We can't help you with the mobile phone side of things other than one Java example whose link is on the EasyBluetooth product page. You'll have to consult the phone's documentation and any support forums for the phone for that. Once you have a Bluetooth RFCOMM link established with the EasyBluetooth adapter, there are plenty of examples here on driving a 7-segment display. Most of the examples you'd need have links on the product webpage for the EasyBluetooth adapter. For the Stamps, you'll find examples via links on the Parallax Downloads page at the Educational Tutorials link. There are also good examples in the Nuts and Bolts Columns. You can use the Resources tab on the main Parallax webpage to get to the link to the Nuts and Bolts index.
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