I don't think that there is a command for the LCD controller to do that. You could write a function to position the cursor at the beginning of the line and then write spaces into all the character positions on that line.
assuming that you're using one of the LCD objects from the library (e.g. LCD_16x2_8bit.spin),
you can simply move to the start of the row you want to clear, then write spaces
for example, if say you defined LCD using the object mentioned above, you can do this:
LCD.move(1,2) 'move to column1, row2
LCD.str(string(" <insert up to 40 spaces here> "))
you can simply move to the start of the row you want to clear, then write spaces
for example, if say you defined LCD using the object mentioned above, you can do this:
LCD.move(1,2) 'move to column1, row2
LCD.str(string(" <insert up to 40 spaces here> "))