Is it recommended to have a capacitor on the VDD of the EEPROM?
I was thinking I read somewhere that it is suggested to have one. In my design I'll have the EEPROM close by to the Prop and have 4 .1uF bypass caps around the Prop. Should I add a 1uF to the EEPROM also? A .1uF or both?
Now, that was old-school TTL, but I've got in the habit of using a 0.1uF for each chip. So I put one one on the eeprom, and one on the ft232 etc etc. Maybe I end up using more 0.1uF caps than necessary, but they really are so cheap that I don't think it matters.
leaves the board. You should also use 10 to 47uF tantalum cap around the board in several places
on each power supply rail.
This is called distributed capacitance and it makes for solid design in high volume production.
The idea is when a chip needs to draw allot of current, say several outputs go high at once. There
is capacitor close by to supply the initial current. Then after the outputs change state the current
comes from the power supply bus.