Spin - TRUE, FALSE and BITWISE operators

My preference is to use PASM but learn SPIN I must. So I need to better understanding of BITWISE operators as used by SPIN so that I can integrate a number of objects for my current project. I have been (re)reading the manual but still can't quite get my head around the following:
From the Propeller GPS Module firmware (VPN1513GPSReceiverFirmware_v1.0.spin):
This line
starts the Simple_Serial object, where rxPin and txPin = 17 and baud = 9600
which returns a value which is rxOkay OR'd with txOkay.
Q1. What should the return value be? and why.
This line:
starts GPS_Str_NMEA_Lite_lawKmH object, where _RX_FM_GPS = 18 and _GPS_SER_BAUD = 9600.
This starts another Simple_Serial cog and the next line starts the NMEA receiver/parser in yet another cog.
Q2. What will the value of oKay be?
What values will the line
Q4. How many cogs are running? I count 4.
Thanks in advance for your answers.
From the Propeller GPS Module firmware (VPN1513GPSReceiverFirmware_v1.0.spin):
OBJ 'FS : "FloatString" NMEA : "GPS_Str_NMEA_lite_lawkmH" Trans : "simple_serial" PUB Init | OK1, OK2, OK3 dira[raw]:=0 dira[_RX_FM_GPS]:=0 OK1:=Trans.init(sio,sio,9600) ' returns if COG started. OK2:=NMEA.StartCOGs(_RX_FM_GPS,_GPS_SER_BAUD) ' returns if COG started. (more code follows)
This line
starts the Simple_Serial object, where rxPin and txPin = 17 and baud = 9600
PUB init(rxPin, txPin, baud): Okay rxOkay := rxPin > -1 ' receiving? rxOkay = -1 if rxPin > -1 txOkay := txPin > -1 ' transmitting? txOkay = -1 if txPin > -1 sin := rxPin & $1F ' set rx pin sout := txPin & $1F ' set tx pin inverted := baud < 0 ' set inverted flag bitTime := clkfreq / ||baud ' calculate serial bit time return rxOkay | txOkay
which returns a value which is rxOkay OR'd with txOkay.
Q1. What should the return value be? and why.
This line:
starts GPS_Str_NMEA_Lite_lawKmH object, where _RX_FM_GPS = 18 and _GPS_SER_BAUD = 9600.
cog1 := GPS_UART.INIT(rX_FR_GPS,rX_FR_GPS,nmea_Baud) 'Start a SPIN interpreter in separate COG to execute the tokens of the '"Concurent_NMEA_Receiver" SPIN procedure parallely with the other COGs cog2 := COGNEW(Concurent_NMEA_Receiver, @nmea_Rx_Stack) + 1 oKay := cog2
This starts another Simple_Serial cog and the next line starts the NMEA receiver/parser in yet another cog.
Q2. What will the value of oKay be?
OK3:=cognew(Detect_led,@stack) waitcnt(clkfreq+cnt) ' Wait IF NOT (OK1 AND OK2) 'Some error occurred NMEA.StopCOGs OUTA[LED]:=0 'Turn on REPEAT 'Until Power Off or Reset
What values will the line
IF NOT (OK1 AND OK2)produce.
Q4. How many cogs are running? I count 4.
Thanks in advance for your answers.
It's a simple check that the function has been called with at least one pin set, either rxPin or txPin or both. So, it will return -1 (which is equal to true) in case if one or more pins have been specified and it will return 0 (=false) if both rxPin and txPin are set to -1
oKay can be 0 (equal to false) which means that the cognew for cog2:=... did not work (which usually only occurs if you run out of COGs) or it's 1-8 which represents the cogId + 1 and can be seen as "true" in boolean expressions.
NOT( OK1 AND OK2 ) means that the code in the if block will be executed if one of both initializations failed. So it's some kind of error-handling, which in this case is a endless loop to "shutdown" the program execution because it makes no sense to continue without those parts.
You have the initial COG.
Simple serial does NOT need an extra driver COG as far as I remember, as it runs in the initial COG.
One Nema-COG
One Concurent_NMEA_Receiver COG
One detect_LED COG
So I count 5 COGs in total.
Thanks for the reply. I am still a bit (no pun intended) uncertain as I would have thought that a false (0) would be returned if no pins specified given that rxOkay is OR'd with txOkay.
That's ok as I got interrupted by my wife (it was pm our time)
Just as I thought. So all good there. This leads me to thinking that with a QuickStart board, using the onboard LED's, one could display which COGs are active as a learning aid for beginners. Thinks ... "will start another thread on this idea".
Of course! If say OK1 = -1 (true) and OK2 = 0 (false) then (OK1 AND OK2) = 0 and so NOT (OK1 AND OK2) = -1 (true) and code executes.
Thanks for your replies.