Powering the Propeller Quickstart Card P8X32A 40000 Rev A?
Warning: Total microcontroller newb posting!Well, day 1 of my efforts with this, I tried compiling a linux kernel module only to find out it was already supported by my linux kernel for perhaps more than a year or two. I finally got to play with my new toy.On day 2, I tried to hook up an external power supply and I fried it. I thought that VDD and VSS were the spots for connecting a power supply. From a video in the Parallax library, it sounds like connecting directly to those is never a good idea.It seems like Vss is pin 39 and Vdd is pin 38. The combo would get me a regulated 3.3V input.It seems Vin is pin 40 and with Vss (pin 39) I would get something that I could hook up to a series of AA batteries or a 9V battery.Could people please tell me how accurate my understanding of the power options is and perhaps provide some advice on better wiring and battery selections?I may want to control motors or speakers or something later on, but I am honestly not sure yet.
Yes, you want use pins 39 (ground) and 40 (Voltage In).
Currently my favorite way of powering a QuickStart board is with one these from Radio Shack. I solder a pair of male headers to the pins 39 and 40 (the holes in front of the 40 pin female header). I solder a match pair of female headers to the battery holder's wires. The battery holder has a built in switch.
I use four NiMH AA recharableable batteries in it. The four AA NiMHs output about 5V.
BTW, Welcome to the forums.
Edit: See the link MagIO2 gave about using a battery pack and the USB at the same time (you should use a diode). I just use one or the other.
This way you have no problems if you power the Quickstart at the same time from USB and the battery is deep discharged.
Long story short, so long as you provide input voltage in the proper range to the correct pins, your supply's current capacity will cause no harm.