PropGCC on Fedora 15/16

Fedora 15 (x86_64): Successfully installed, compiled demos and run fibo on a Propeller.
Had to install glibc-2.14-5.i686 to get
Had to install glibc-2.14-5.i686 to get
Someone said you have a 64KByte EEPROM on the ASC. Can you confirm that?
If true, you will be able to run smaller XMMC demos from the EEPROM.
While the main program will not be very fast, all the other COG code will run full speed.
I have run programs with code size about 54KB and data/stack in HUB of 24KB on a 64KB EEPROM.
That is: 54K + 24K = 78KB total. With a 128KB EEPROM you can run David's xbasic.
Most recent hg pull (Wed:2pm) fails to build on F16.
Very strange... is this with the script? It looks like it's failing during the libstdc++ build. I'm not seeing that problem on my Ubuntu machine. I'll try to find a Fedora machine to test this on. Could you file an issue in google code, please?
As a work-around you can skip the libstdc++ build by using the old script.
Today's commit fixed this issue. Noted on Google code as well. I will use the issue system for this type of thing from now on.