Cell Phone Camera Help
Has anyone ever hacked (I"m pretty sure you have) a cell phone camera? I need to find out how I go about tracking down which wire connects power, data and zoom for a Nokia N73 cell phone camera. This uses a flex cable for the connections. Any help is appreciated.
Tiny camera made for cell phones is only 0.3" in diameter and 0.23" thick. It has a 1.8" long flexible circuit board terminating into 20 gold plated pads. The overall width of the termination point is 10mm x 0.2mm thick (we don't have a mating connector). These came to us nested in their original trays, however we have no information on hookups, resolution, operating voltage, or any other data for these cameras so we are blowing them out "AS IS" at an extremely low price. Please no returns. Fascinating item to experiment with and study. Numbers marked on circuit board are Flex-040601, 7289123N09.
The mere thought of using one of these makes me as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. OK, now that I met the 3-idiom minimum, I'm outta here.
I agree with other's here, this is not an easy task.
I'd go for one of the $11 cameras at DealExtreme if I were you.
I think HobbyKing has one that's a bit smaller but costs $16.99 + shipping. I couldn't find the dimensions listed. It doesn't have sound.
You can get smaller cameras but they will likely cost more.
SuperCircuits has a bunch of small cameras. Here's a couple I thought interesting.
Here's some threads you might find interesting.