Indents are are 40px, which is not easily changed. You'd assume it's just a BBCode flop or a CSS dealio, but no; it seems to be hidden somewhere in one of these many many sheets. I'll devote a small amount of time to trying to find that massive indent margin-left, but sadly not a lot of time as the Forums' style is low on my totem pole =/
Code blocks were not taking the amount of text in the block into effect, which it should have been... I'm looking into why when I get time and seeing if it's not simply just a math mistake or misunderstanding. The limit before it goes to scroll is determined by the content, since it wasn't even taking that into effect I zero'd it out. If that becomes too annoying (it should now display the full code listing) then I can just put an exact size limit on it until I can find the actual error.
Thanks, Bump! I know you're busy, so your efforts to go these last few yards are all the more appreciated.
I suspect that, for the code blocks, there's a metric that indicates how many vertical pixels each line of code requires. It seems to be low by one pixel. IOW, if
height = lines * pixels_per_line + margin ,
the margin constant will accommodate the underestimate of pixels_per_line up to a certain number of lines, then the last line becomes more and more hidden as more lines are added. At least, this is the behavior I'm noticing.
Code blocks were not taking the amount of text in the block into effect, which it should have been... I'm looking into why when I get time and seeing if it's not simply just a math mistake or misunderstanding. The limit before it goes to scroll is determined by the content, since it wasn't even taking that into effect I zero'd it out. If that becomes too annoying (it should now display the full code listing) then I can just put an exact size limit on it until I can find the actual error.
I'll check out the preview problem too.
I suspect that, for the code blocks, there's a metric that indicates how many vertical pixels each line of code requires. It seems to be low by one pixel. IOW, if
the margin constant will accommodate the underestimate of pixels_per_line up to a certain number of lines, then the last line becomes more and more hidden as more lines are added. At least, this is the behavior I'm noticing.
What browser are you using? In Firefox, the lower part of the bottom line gets chopped off, and a scrollbar appears.
Is this what you mean? (Firefox on Ubuntu below)