How do you decompile from eeprom
Posts: 1,659
I'll be embarrassed for my stupidity later. I kept all of my files on a portable hard drive that failed today. Maybe I printed it out and maybe I copied it to a CD. Maybe. I definitely did not copy it to my C// drive.
It means the only copy I have of all that work is on one eeprom. Help!
It means the only copy I have of all that work is on one eeprom. Help!
The answer is "you don't, your program is history".
The good news is that it forces you to rewrite and therefor rethink the whole thing again and it will be better than it was before:)
At least that's what someone said when this topic came up before (IIRC).
I have built and repaired literary hundreds of computer in my life time and I've only had one situation when I could not retrieve the data from a HDD. There are tricks you can use to get the data back.
If the message...
"need to format the drive. " Seriously try mounting with Linux live disk
Try using a live Linux disk and mount the HDD in question then copy fiels.
Using Windows Install HDD in another computer and copy files off it.
Use software to recover Data even after a format has taken place.
If HDD is faulty
replace circuit board from another HDD that is the same model as yours.
I have even went as far as freezing the HDD.
Moral of the story is to not panic, think smartly and get that data.
Regarding Duane's comment ... I believe BST used GEAR as a model for its disassembler. Neither converts the binary to Spin source. They depend on being able to merge the original source file with the Spin disassembler output.
1) How do I recreate my Spin/PASM program from the EEPROM binary image?
2) How do I recover my Spin/PASM source from my dead hard drive.
For 1) I would say it is unlikely. The compilation process throws away a lot of information.
For 2) Well, you may be lucky. I have never have been.
Dave Hein, could you tell me more?
I looks like Hippy thought decompiling a Spin program should be possible. I wonder if he made any progress?
He mentioned his interest in this thread. (From "Similar Threads" at the bottom of this page.)
I wish you well in your efforts.
2. Get a PROFESSIONAL file recovery program that doesn't 'edit' the disk, onlly scans it and saves the contents onto another disk. (This means it won't do any damage. No tool included with Windows is safe... )
Personally, I prefer File Rescue Professional from
It's NOT a free program, and it's definitely NOT a quick one, but it is thorough. The free downloadable version is limited to rescuing about 500KB, I think, and should be enough to see if the license is worth buying.
copying in the license code will unlock all the functions.
(I've used it to rescue files from physically damaged drives, Memorysticks and CF-cards, in addition to recovering deleted or formatted files/partitions)
For those who speak other languages than is currently supported, it's possible to get a FREE license by translating the program to another language.(It's just editing a text file. )
Edit: fixed link.
The above guys have been around for ages and are really quite reliable. Having been in the tax preparation and bookkeeping business, there is always someone that gets hit with an IRS audit and finds that they need to recover data from bad CDS, bad BU tape, or a failed hard drive.
These guys will take on anything reasonable and give you an honest assessment before spending your money.
My name appears on the LCD upon reset which I thought would make the device harder to steal. Hmm...Any knowledgeable programmer could duplicate the actions of a PIC which doesn't use an eeprom.
So unless I create a device that makes finding the chemical composition of a substance as easy as the common 'stud sensor' finds wall density, I probably shouldn't worry someone stealing source code.
Remember, "the chief purpose of computers is to irritate humans and annoy them forever!"
Yes to most all of the suggestions in this and preceding posts with the exception of ANYTHING that attempts to modify the drive. When the s#@@$ is in the fan, er HDD, the very first thing to do is go into forensics mode. ALTER NOTHING!!! As several have mentioned, boot into a live knoppix (CD/USB) session and then mount the damaged drive. I think it may do this read only mode, but make sure. Make sure also that you know what it was identified as and mounted as and then make a forensic copy using dd to a separate drive. There are other alternatives, but I have used and trust dd. Work only on the copy. Damage / alter the original and you are likely well done (toast ?) if you can not duplicate it bit for bit. You may need to tell it to ignore errors as well.
If you have a master copy to work from and all else has been tried, you could use a program called SpinRite to attempt recovery of the original disk. I have seen this one work miracles to the point of recovering a clients disk after having its PC barbequed in an office fire. I first found this program back around 1986. If you have an identical drive, you may also be able to swap the controller electronics board if that is the failure. Others have used professional services that actually move your platters into another identical drive and recover the data that way. $$$$
Not much to add to this thread, mainly just protect the original at all costs until there is nothing left to try save SpinRite or some others mentioned here. Treat your original as though it were evidence.
If doubt your have, lots of experts can you find.
that you do not need to mount the drive in order to use dd to copy it. In fact it's better not to although I guess mounting read only would be OK.
This thread is making me very nervous. I have some backing up to do...
I can console myself that this thread may benefit someone. I'm still waiting for a call from the repairman. I knew he was backed up and that he stays up late working on clients' computers. At the moment I still hold out hope that he can salvage what represents a couple year's work. If not, I have no choice but to start over much wiser. This is my 3rd time using him. The 1st disaster was a fried cap on the motherboard. The 2nd was that my anti virus software had hidden the boot sector partition and would not boot. He 'surgically' removed the AV software and replaced it with AVG.
(Admitting such extraordinary studipity makes me wince but hiding from it would have been worse.)
Saved my butt twice in two years. Well worth the price.Very happy with the service.
And it's automatic. Create a's saved automatically. Change a file, bingo, it's saved.
True on the mount, attempting that gives me an idea of how screwed up the drive is going to be. If it can mount, maybe some things can be salvaged immediately. If it can not mount, then I know I am in for a significantly harder time of it. And yeah, I need to do some backing up myself because even though in my world, nothing can go wrong, goe rong, gW@WEjl; jk';lkk l;a'sdf
Used to be that death and taxes were the only certainty, now we must add "hard drives all die" to the saying. Actually when it comes to system images, you really can not go wrong at all. I have a habit of backing up system images of certain devices just before releasing them to use after all the system, network, and DICOM configuration is complete. This can be a huge time saver in recovering critical systems. (A large medical OEM now does that to all of their systems at installation and after software changes) Not to mention money saver since downtime can cost thousands or more per day. Another advantage of doing a system image is that not only are all of your apps loaded, after a while you generally have some preferences set up among them, and to go back and set or relearn why you had a particular setting in place would be a PITA. Especially since you would probably end up rediscovering all the ones you forgot because they were taken for givens after a while. Very frustrating and time wasting.
Time to go to Fry's soon,