PropGCC on MS Windows 7 - 64 bit - ver 0_1_5

I decided to try a quick test 
Test 1:
1. Everything downloaded and unpacked fine.
2. Ran make for the demo's and all seems ok. Will test this more later with the examples once I have time to read the instructions for the hardware setup/ requirements / compatible boards etc.
3.I compiled and loaded the hello world example. It compiled fine and I got a message back saying that it loaded into prop ram fine. At that point the windows terminal program hung . I tried to re-run the test but it can't find the com port this time.I will re-boot the computer and get the com port back and try the examples again later tonight(time permitting)
Great so far.

Test 1:
1. Everything downloaded and unpacked fine.
2. Ran make for the demo's and all seems ok. Will test this more later with the examples once I have time to read the instructions for the hardware setup/ requirements / compatible boards etc.
3.I compiled and loaded the hello world example. It compiled fine and I got a message back saying that it loaded into prop ram fine. At that point the windows terminal program hung . I tried to re-run the test but it can't find the com port this time.I will re-boot the computer and get the com port back and try the examples again later tonight(time permitting)
Great so far.
Looking at README_WINDOWS.txt I see a brief mention for stopping the terminal program.
The hello.c example should show every step including how to exit the terminal program. Sorry about that.
Please press ESC or Ctrl-C to exit the loader's terminal program.
I think a terminal message should be added about this.
We have noticed that if the COM port is in use, the loader will just hang until Ctrl-C.
This problem is being tracked in propgcc issue #6 and we expect to fix it soon.
Good suggestion! The loader will now display the following message as it enters terminal mode:
I am also playing with propgcc not much of a command line guy but learning a lot. I was opening the Propeller Tool to find the COM#. Today I found if you type mode at the prompt you will get a list of connected devices. It doesn't say "Propeller connected to COM#"(wish it did) but if you run it before you plug in the Propeller and then after you can find out.
Thought i'd share.
Running Windows 7 64 with propgcc version 0_1_5.
I followed these steps:
- Installed the windows install as directed in README_WINDOWS.txt
- Downloaded and copied grep.exe as directed in the "Grep missing!" thread.
- Installed Cygwin as directed in the "PGCC on Win7 32-bit laptop" thread, but just copied cygpcre-0.dll from c:\cygwin\bin to c:\propgcc\bin instead of making changes to addpath.bat
- Used mode as suggested above to find the COM port for my prop plug, was COM 3.
- Created the blink.c file suggested in the README_WINDOW.txt file, I put it in c:\propgcc\testing\blink
- Ran propeller-elf-gcc -o blink blink.c
- Ran propeller-load -p com3 -b hub blink -r
I have an grounded LED connected to P1 through a 100ohm resister and it is blinking very happily.
Thanks to the GCC Team and those who tried it out and posted the tweaks needed to get it running.
Thanks Ron! I forgot all about this command. Works great
C.W. I just posted a new version that should fix all these grep/dll problems.
The bonus in the package is Dave Hein's c3files SD Card test program.
Other features have also been added. The package is about 40MB.