Command line help
I downloaded the Windows propgcc and extracted the folder and files to the C: root , I ran the addpath batch file and created the example blink.c
"propeller-elf-gcc -o blink blink.c" is not recognized at the command prompt.
Do I need to drill down to a certain folder and where should the blink.c and propeller.h be located.
Jeff T.
"propeller-elf-gcc -o blink blink.c" is not recognized at the command prompt.
Do I need to drill down to a certain folder and where should the blink.c and propeller.h be located.
Jeff T.
Jeff T.
I'm not sure what might have gone wrong. Let me review the instructions briefly. I did these steps with the v0_1_5 package.
I see now that you have something working. Great!
It's probably good to post the rest of this message anyway for others.
propgcc must be extracted to c:\
Open a new command window and it looks a little like below.
You must use "addpath" in every new window for now.
As a note I created the c file in a C++ IDE, can the examples be created with a regular text editor with the .c extension.
Jeff T.
Most decent text editors will let you configure "external tools" that will let you send your file to a compiler. There are quite a few available, but you can get Notepad++, Programmer's Notepad, PSPad for free on Windows. There's also Jedit and Komodo Edit, which are cross-platform.