Sabertooth 2x25 Voltage Question
Posts: 3
I need to run a few small DC motors off my Sabertooth 2x25 motor controller but I'm having some issues... The motors I want to run are rated for 3v-5v but the sabertooth has a minimum voltage of 6v. How can I go about using these motors? Is it possible to put 12v in to the Sabertooth and then install a voltage regulator between the sabertooth and the two motor wires to drop the voltage to 3v-5v? Is there another easier way of doing this besides buying a smaller motor controller? Will the Sabertooth 2x25 function with only a 5v input instead of the recommended 6v minimum?
I don't think a voltage regulator will help unless the current is very low on the motors.
*I bet you can run the device on 5 volts, sure would help to have a schematic.
You could experiment with a 6volt lamp reading the voltage out at different duty%s on the motor out leads. 0 to 100%
Blowing a cheap lamp would be better than blowing a motor for the test.
I'm really not sure which micro it has... Its a Sabertooth 2x25 motor controller, but I don't think I've ever seen what processor it uses. I think I'm just going to hook up 12v to the Sabertooth and just run the duty cycle at 0%-50% which should keep it below 6v at the motor. I'm gonna be controller the Sabertooth via an RC Receiver and Transmitter so I can easily set my transmitter to Dual Rate and have it max out at 50% output when the stick is moved 100%