Questions about FM Radio Module limitations
I have been working with the FM Radio Module and am curious if it can go beyond it's published frequencys? I would like to be able to pickup 123.000 MHz (My Local Airport's CTAF Frequency) Does the device have something that limits this?
Has anyone tried this or know if it is possible?
Has anyone tried this or know if it is possible?
The Fm Module uses the RDA5807SS sterio tuner chip, and is set to 81-108 MHz. The module is set to these limits because they are the US/European standards for radio bands.
To elaborate on what Nick said, I had similar thoughts when I got a hold of one to test. Even after lifting the crystal and supplying an external oscillator, the receivable frequency is locked pretty tight to the 81MHz-108MHz range. Short of that, an external down converter of sorts might work, but even then your desired range might be too close to the actual tunable frequency range to be effective. You might try something like ... an SA602A configured as a single ended untuned receiver combined with a 25MHz oscillator would place your 123MHz approximately right in the middle of the 81MHz-108MHz band.
It's against forum rules to cross-post essentially the same question in multiple threads (see here post #13).
I guess we tend to forget that both micros share the same father (My micro-controller baby's daddy) ;-)