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New Biped from Boston Dynamics: Petman — Parallax Forums

New Biped from Boston Dynamics: Petman


  • Spiral_72Spiral_72 Posts: 791
    edited 2011-11-01 11:23
    Oh yea!??? Well I bet Mr. PETMAN can't do.... uh, let me think a minute......

    That thing is pretty amazing. It has a very manly and stable gait, shock absorption, all the DOF you'd want. I wonder how they power that thing. Very nice find Erco! It gives me something to strive for eh?
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2011-11-01 13:01
    That thing had a suprisingly natural looking walk.

    When the researcher sholved it to the side, I half expected the robot to take a swing at him.

    I thought some of its push up were less than Marine Corp quality. (I should know the Marines regected my attempt to enlist.)

  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2011-11-01 16:16
    The gate look really good. I wonder if it is like a human in that the leg swings freely with the forward step.
  • ratronicratronic Posts: 1,451
    edited 2011-11-01 20:25
    I didn't notice a sliver of wood on that robot erco.
  • BamseBamse Posts: 561
    edited 2011-11-02 07:19

    I need one for Halloween next year to hand out candy... ;-)
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-11-02 07:51
    It appears very jerky and not as smooth as ASIMO.
    Also it would be a good companion for Halloween.
    For the army? Can you imagine the unsteadiness
    of this thing shooting a gun? Look at that huge wood
    power generator and distribution plant in the back-
    ground. Who's gonna carry that thing? Testing clothes
    against acid? Look at all those insulated wires...
  • Spiral_72Spiral_72 Posts: 791
    edited 2011-11-02 09:05
    Hey man, lighten up! :D This is only the T-5 man.... they still have 995 revisions to go before the T-1000. Actually they have a lot more work to do for the release of the T-1000 by the year 2029, then the whole John Conner thing.

    P.S., my biped is the T-0.0000001

    Humanoido wrote: »
    Look at that huge wood
    power generator and distribution plant in the back-
    ground. Who's gonna carry that thing?

    hehehe :) I wondered the same
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2011-11-02 13:52
    Humanoido wrote: »
    It appears very jerky and not as smooth as ASIMO.

    Hunamoido, I think it could walk as smooth as ASIMO if it walked as slow as ASIMO. Of course ASIMO is carrying around its own power supply. I'm not sure how fast T-5 could move once it has to carry around all the batteries it will require.

    I'm thinking it will likely need an on-board generator running off of some petroleum product. Batteries still don't come close to the power storage of gasoline.

    I'd like to see ASIMO get shoved to the side like T-5 did and stay upright. I doubt it. T-5's gait might not be as smooth as ASIMO's but I think it's more "human" looking.

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