IR over two stamps
dr hydra
Posts: 212
I am looking at an old doc...BASIC Stamp 1 Application Note 11 Infrared Communication...I planning on using the listing schematic to communicate between two stamps...however, it appears that the GP1u52x does not exist any more...on the receving end can I just use a simple infrared reciever like 350-00014 as a replacement?
Thank you for your reply...I have a few more questions on the subject...after reading the tutorial "IR Remote for the BoeBot"...if I use a microcontroller such as the SX chip with USART hardware support...I should able to skip the 555 timer and let the USART hardware transmit the that correct? Then I would only need a IR LED and resistor for the tranmitters. Based on the 38K receiver...any baud 38000 or less should that also correct?
Your Baud will need to be at most 4800, probably more like 2400. That would give you 10-15 cycles of the 38KHz carrier per bit time. The IR detector has filters in it to slow down its response to aid in noise filtering and that limits the Baud that's possible to receive.
On the receiving end...can I use the USART hardware to read the signal...I am guessing, not...because the signal is going to be modulated in the carrier signal. Is that correct?
Look in the Wikipedia for descriptions of asynchronous serial data transmission. They have nice pictures and diagrams.
One more quick question...on the receiving end...does 38k IR detector filter out the modulation and show
only on and off signals?
Yes, the whole purpose of the IR detector is to take in a modulated 38KHz IR signal, amplify it, detect the 38KHz carrier, and output a logic signal (on / off) with the signal on when a 38KHz carrier is seen and off when the carrier isn't seen.
I think I got last on the IR detector end...that microcontroller chip should be able to use the RX pin and USART hardware and read the signal. The only hardware needed to read the signal would be the 38K IR detector...this works because the IR dectector outputs a on when a 38KHz carrier is seen and off when the carrier isn't seen...therefore, the signal to the microcontroller is just the original signal that the USART hardware can read...just like it had been sent through a wire connection...right