Anyone else using Linkedin?

I'm on LlinkedIn (hooray for me) as part of my professional persona, but it mainly contains people who I know through work. I am more than that however, and would love to link to you if you are a "Parallax" user.
So if you are on LinkedIn and _you_ would like to link then feel free to send me an email {or what whatever it's called in Linkedin speak}
IF YOU want to see my profile then look here
IF this is NOT permitted in the forums, then I apologise - I'm sure a moderator will remove it - thanks
So if you are on LinkedIn and _you_ would like to link then feel free to send me an email {or what whatever it's called in Linkedin speak}
IF YOU want to see my profile then look here
IF this is NOT permitted in the forums, then I apologise - I'm sure a moderator will remove it - thanks
(At least they didn't have this option the last time I checked. Even the MugBook has that function... So all messages from LinkedIn goes straight to dev/null thanks to rule-based mail handling... )
The fact that I'm not that social is another thing entirely...
Bits, nice idea but how do you keep yourself off the WEB?
Hence most of my links are 'work related' and hence I wanted to show that I had more than one 'foci".
I fully support your right and decision to NOT join any of those sites, just if you were on the above one and you wanted to then the option was there...
Peace all..
In a moment of weakness some time ago I signed up and after many months have seen no value to the "service".
What's everyone else use their account for?
I was sent a 'signup' link or whatever it was, from a colleague. So I accepted and was then a member of Linkedin. Since then I have not done anything active there whatsoever. I don't have my profile there, nor my CV, just the company I'm working for. Whenever a colleague or someone I have personally met in my area of work sends me a connection request, I accept. And that's about the only times I'm actually logged in there.
What I then do is to see how the 'extended network' number grows.. so the experiment is: How is the 'extended network' growing per new connection? It seems to be by a few thousands each time. I'm still at less than 20 direct connections but the so-called 'extended' network is huge.
I don't accept connections from people I haven't met, or people from outside the segment of industry I work in.
After some time Linkedin started sending me emails about how this one was now connected to that one and so on. That looked pretty intrusive to me, so I logged in to my account and found the settings to disable any such information about me being shared out. Don't know if it works, I may have to create an additional pseudo-account to see what gets posted about me.
I have received a few messages (sometimes emails, don't know how they get hold of that) from headhunters for job positions. I guess that's the main area for Linkedin.
It 's not certain I'll be staying there forever. I certainly will continue to be utterly passive (I never send any link requests, and never post anything there), but will monitor what they do. If it gets more intrusive then at some point I guess I will just delete the account.
My grumpy old response would be, "Why should I?"
I saw a study a few months ago that said that engineers (EEs mostly) are too busy working on the next wonder-device to waste their time with soshul meedya."