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trouble with 443mhz transceiver module. — Parallax Forums

trouble with 443mhz transceiver module.

shoobershoober Posts: 2
edited 2011-11-13 07:36 in Accessories
I have just purchased two parallax 443mhz transceiver modules but I am not sure how to use them. does anyone have some simple code that I could use to send values stored in variables between the two transceivers? If not does anyone know of a simple tutorial explaining how the transceivers work?



  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2011-10-30 12:24
    I am not sure how to use them. does anyone have some simple code that I could use to send values stored in variables between the two transceivers?
    Have you gone through the files on the store page for this item? The code required would depend on the controller you are using and you didn't specify that in your post.
  • shoobershoober Posts: 2
    edited 2011-10-30 12:41
    I am sorry.I meant to say that it is a 433mhz transceiver not 443mhz. Also I am trying to use each transceiver with a Basic Samp 2 microcontroller. I did look on the parallax website but their example code was confusing.
  • graffixgraffix Posts: 389
    edited 2011-10-30 14:00
    Their sample project uses the old style transmitter receiver type.What if any changes need To be made to use the transceiver type.I think it was the tilt controlled boe on a bs2.
  • joshvm00joshvm00 Posts: 2
    edited 2011-11-02 12:23
    I also want to use the 433mhz RF Transceiver, but am a noobie. I am using propeller chip micro controller. I want to send an analog signal from one prop chip and receive it by another prop chip.

    I also looked at the basic stamp programming, but am not familiar with this syntax. Looking for some help how to send serial data using these transceivers.

    EDIT: Here is my code. I should be storing the value "13" in the variable "x", correct?


    SERIAL: "Extended_FDSerial"


    'Define Pins
    Trans_Datapin = 0 'RF1 data pin
    Trans_RXTXpin = 1 'RF1 Receive/Transmit pin
    Trans_PDNpin = 2 'RF1 Power Down pin
    Rec_Datapin = 24 'RF2 data pin
    Rec_RXTXpin = 25 'RF2 Receive/Transmit pin
    REc_PDNpin = 26 'RF2 Power Down pin


    byte x

    pub MAIN

    'Set Pin Directions
    dira[Trans_Datapin] := 1 'Set Data Pin as OUTPUT
    dira[Trans_RXTXpin] := 1 'Set Rx-Tx Pin as OUTPUT
    dira[Trans_PDNpin] := 1 'Set PDN Pin as OUTPUT
    dira[Rec_Datapin] := 0 'Set Data Pin as INPUT
    dira[Rec_RXTXpin] := 1 'Set Rx-Tx Pin as OUTPUT
    dira[Rec_PDNpin] := 1 'Set PDN Pin as OUTPUT

    'Initialize RF Transceiver Pins
    outa[Trans_PDNpin] := 1 'Set pin HIGH for enable
    outa[Trans_RXTXpin] := 1 'Set pin HIGH to Transmit
    outa[Rec_PDNpin] := 1 'Set pin HIGH for enable
    outa[Rec_RXTXpin] := 0 'Set pin LOW to Receive

    'Initialize Serial Communication
    Serial.Start(Rec_Datapin, Trans_Datapin, 0, 9600)

    'Transmit data

    'Receive data and store in variable "x"
    x := serial.rx
  • MoskogMoskog Posts: 554
    edited 2011-11-04 09:52
    Shoober, if you purchased two tranceivers (#27982) did you look at the examples in this document:

    The BS2 examples in this document is very simple and should work, if not, then somebody would have found out by now.
    What do you find to be difficult, is it the bs2-code or the hardware setup you find confusing?
  • graffixgraffix Posts: 389
    edited 2011-11-04 11:57
    I think I got it now.I beleive my problem was looking at the demo code and trying to go from there.I probably should have gone to the specific product page then the demo.Not sure how I missed it or didnt think of it. But thanks.
  • joshvm00joshvm00 Posts: 2
    edited 2011-11-05 08:38
    So I'm using the propeller board. Im a little confused why in the BS2 receiver sample code they make the data pin low, read data, then make it high again. Also, I set this data pin as an input in SPIN. Should it be an output? Thanks
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2011-11-13 07:36
    I'm a bit confused too about this. The only thing I could think of is that it's a leftover from a larger program that receives and transmits and, in that program, it's important what state the data line is left in. I'd ignore it in your case. Note that the BS1 example doesn't do this.
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