Early AM walk now for Autism Speaks prep

Early morning in sunny Phoenix Az. Sunny and just as nice as you could want. Might hit 90 degrees today. Working the Autism votes with my wife and a couple friends.
No prop time this morning

Pictures not cooperating now post 'em laterI guess ......
My son has autism.
But now I have some new ti ADCs to start playing with, so back to propellering.
Trick or treat night; son did 3/4 of the block w/o overload or meltdown. Had a bit of a tough spot when he had enough, but maintained good control the rest of the way home. A super night for him!
To all:
See a kid wearing sportsmans headphones he could be hypersensitive to noises, leash vest maybe a runner, a weighted vest not sure of where in space his body is...... if the behavior or sights/sounds are out of place think before judging it could be embarassingly off the mark. Trust me I've had to learn.
End PSA.