[resolved][puzzle] upside-down

Admittedly it's an old idea but it came alive again only recently (didn't work out though). Let's generate a square wave at clkfreq/16 (setup omitted):
xor outa, mask jmp #$-1So far so good. Now lets swap both instructions (xor comes last). You may have to adjust the jump but how can you keep this 2-insn-loop (jmp & xor) running and the square wave alive at that frequency?
Todays hint: The number 512/8 = 64 plays an important role (in one of my solutions).
At least Phil got something out of it (even if unrelated).
The Propeller counters are a powerful drug, kuroneko, and we, your fellow forumistas, are becoming concerned as you get pulled ever more deeply to their dark side. We care enough for your well-being that some sort of intervention may be called for.
I could follow the concept - more or less. Wow that's what I call
tweaking-freakin-freaks doing things that make the brains of other assembler-tweaking-freaks SPIN in twisted-circles
keep the questions puzzles
best regards
self modified code oh no wait ! self modified text. Not debugged ;-)
After debugging
keep the puzzles coming