Harvesting power from audio etc
Posts: 369
A very interesting project http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~prabal/projects/hijack/
I thought it was going to be something like free power radios, which ingeniously harvest power from stray emf collected on a long wire antenna: http://www.ke3ij.com/nopower.htm
I live about 3 miles from KNX-1070, a 50-kilowatt AM radio station in Los Angeles. I can hear their signal clearly on some PA systems, intercoms, telephones, etc. There's gotta be a way to power my whole house from them. Then there's the high tension power line array just a mile from my house. It beckons me...
"...I tried using Germanium diodes as rectifiers-- and, contrary to what I expected [they have a lower turn-on threshold than Silicon diodes -- .2v vs. .6v-- so I thought they would be more effective than the Silicons. Wrong. They only seem to generate tens of millivolts, whereas Silicon diodes in the same circuit provide a fairly constant 450 - 600 mV. ..."
I wonder if that's due to the higher leakage of Ge diodes vs Si so that 10uF cap C6 is getting discharged faster while being charged. One way to prove it is to disconnect the antenna, charge C6 to 0.6V and watch the discharge curve of C6 in either scenario.
...hmmmm, what about the same technique in the article you referenced. A mongo-size loop of wire, tuned to the station, rectify it, run an inverter - see what you get!
'Tain't worth the trouble.
I was refering to the radio station, which by definition, throws their service into the air for anyone to use it.
IF you are on there right of way Yes ..
Look at RFI cause of bad insulators and haveing it jam my HF set.......... Am I stealing there power ?............By definition ANY induced current has a voltage and thus a "power" ...they are forceing it in my Mixer in my radio ... ........... so by my ham set being JAMMED.. I am in a small way useing there power THEY are radiating .. Am I stealing ....NO ..
I see no reaason to say that reguardless if its a harmonic at 40 MHz or the base of 60 ........
Your EM wave ......... your responsibility
unless the power CO is willing to use coax . ( BTW undergnd cables are shealed and thus are like coax to a extent ...) They have NO right to what they Willing dispose of ..
In the same sense as a cable CO leaking out of a closed system. Points a finger at TWC in cali .....
If I get on CH 79 free HBO cause cable CO is not up to snuff . Who is at fault???? ............
that said ........... with the invese SQ law ....I doulbt you would be able to get any reasonable amount of power out of a coil on Your property From a power line .................