Thoughts on indicator lights for a set of 12V fuses

I am planning the main 12V power wiring for a rather large robot. There is going to be a fuse for each of the main drive wheels, on board computer, monitor, controllers (Propeller and others), etc. I'd like to add an indicator lights on each one of the fuses. I plan on using an LED and current limiting resistor to show the status of each fuse. There are two different approaches that I am considering. First, just use a GREEN LED tied to the load side of the fuse with the current limiting resistor to ground. With this all the GREEN LED's should light indicating a good fuse whenever the power is on. The other approach is to just install a RED LED with a current limiting resistor in parallel with the fuse. With this all the LED's should be off and if a fuse blows then there should be a RED LED on indicating the bad FUSE. If the circuit is toast it should act like a short and just pass a tiny amount of current 10-15ma at most to light the LED. I think that would look good since you'd only see an LED light if there is a problem. I'm just not sure how it would act if it was just a temporary overload that popped the fuse.
Has anyone done something similar when wiring up a project and what method did you choose?
Has anyone done something similar when wiring up a project and what method did you choose?
I think I have some 339 parts around and can try that out.
I'm still undecided. Green if ok or Red if bad.....
Now we're talking, Baby Boy!
And yes, I do enjoy seeing lots of LED's on robots for status and display. This one currently has 45+ of them. 20 on the body, 25 on the head and perhaps a few more scattered around. They originally had a simple 555 circuit w/cmos chip to sequence the lights but that is long gone. So, instead I am using a propeller and a bunch of tpic6c595 chips to control all the LED's. Instead of just cycling through them I can now display any pattern and fade them in and out. Should be a big improvement. The Propeller will also handle some of the other robot functions.
LED's rule.
Amen, brother! I drilled every hole to mount 400 LEDs in this little project that somehow ended up in my den: