Totally free giveaway gift !!!

Who wants a PING))) sensor??
I never collected the price I won in the design contest earilier this year.
I'm pretty sure someone is more eager to use it than I am.
/ Johannes
I never collected the price I won in the design contest earilier this year.
I'm pretty sure someone is more eager to use it than I am.
/ Johannes
Any takers yet?
Maybe some of the young forum members?
I'm out. Much of my electronics "hobby" is business related so my budget is usually pretty good.
Edit: And, at 48, I'm not exactly young.!!!-Give-Us-New-Product-Ideas!&p=1013863&viewfull=1#post1013863
He seemed to delight in all free things PING.
It's yours!
Please post a video of your robot in action when it's finished.
Of course, I'll post a video! Thanks again!
I whish you luck with your new toy!
Send it to him! :thumb: