E-mail counter needed
I try to locate a piece of hardware that does exactly that - it should count the number of e-mails that has been sent from an individual PC.
It has to be some kind of hardware contraption however. Is there such a device or perhaps somebody has an idea on where should I start to build one using BS2, Prop or....?
It has to be some kind of hardware contraption however. Is there such a device or perhaps somebody has an idea on where should I start to build one using BS2, Prop or....?
There are a lot of ways to send mail; web mail, smpt, imap,...
On top of that a user could create an SSL tunnel, VPN connection, etc. and the traffic would be encrypted.
They could use remote desktop (RDP) to another machine...
That part is a software "snooping' plug inside a PC. Next, there's a device that sits next to that PC that's capable of receiving that [email-sent ACK] signal and it counts emails using its own unrelated logic.
That's very simplistic of how I'd approach it in case I need to... But first I'll keep looking and asking around .
All I'm after at this moment is to count E-mails sent from Outlook Express...
computer monitoring software
"Knowing EVERYTHING They Do on the Computer and Internet Is As EASY as Checking Your Email"...
Thanks anyways,
How do you plan to connect the "black box" to the PC? Are you looking for something that monitors network activity, or can there be a program running on the PC itself that sends the count to a display of some sort, connected via USB, say?
I sort of hoped that somebody came up with such a gadget already.
I prefer a standard serial port in a form of either USB or RS232, but any kind of connection between that hardware 'black box counter' and a PC should be just fine as long as it does not require any PC hardware modification. Plus a program that runs on a PC that communicates every time it sends an email should work.
1. Combine a MoBoStamp-pe, 7-Seg-DB, and MoBo Extrusion Kit. This will create a nice-looking desktop accessory that plugs into -- and is powered by -- a USB port and that provides four digits of counter display.
2. Program the MoBo to receive count data from the PC and display it on the 7-segment LED.
3. Write a program in Perl that uses this module to read your "Sent Items.dbx" file and call msgcount periodically to update the number of sent messages. This program would then send the count to the MoBo desktop display.
4. Install a shortcut to the Perl program in your Windows Startup directory so it begins running in the background when you start Windows.
You could also copy the code that I already posted for you on the Spinneret forum. It displays the email count on an email server plus you can drill into the email and read the senders IP address.
Lastly, most routers have a log utility that reports the source IP, destination, and port. If you have a router then most likely you already have an external hardware device that captures sent emails from a particular PC.
Mike, can you expand a bit on how to 'setup a localhost relay' ? I did not program in windows environment and need some clue...
I appreciate your comments a lot, and started this topic in General Discussion as well to find out some other ways of counting emails beside using Spinneret (that I plan to use anyways).
Thanks, John
Then possibly setting up the propeller as a virtual server to count the email even monitor all traffic.
I should know better than to say something is not possible on this forum. Never even thought of using the sound output. There are a lot of good suggestions posted here but a variation on the one quoted above is probably the simplest if the computer and software can output sound.
Record the tones of a sequence of numbers from your telephone.
Connect one of the tone decoder chips to the audio output of the computer.
Send the output of the tone decoder to a uC that determines if it is for a sent/received email and increments the appropriate count(s).
If you plan to use the Spinneret then simply read the email on the server every X minutes. Count the target IP by date and time sent.
Email Header
kwinn, that 'tadaaaa' idea just jumped on me out of nowhere - the only problem was that people tend to mute the speaker when it annoys them too much. But I thought it to be worth investigating. And again - all I need is a mailer to send a 'tadaaa' when it sends an e-mail. It does it 'bleep' alright when receiving an email, but not when sending.... I keep searching.
The external device would consist of tone decoder chip and a uC. The tone decoder chip would output bcd digits to the uC, which would perform an an action based on the sequence of digits received. This could be useful for other things as well.