Overhead of a foo := CNT instruction?
Hey folks: Quick question somebody probably knows off the top of their head, or could determine by inspecting the interpreter PASM source.
I have some spin code that does:
What I'm trying to do is to capture the CNT at the actual PEQ event time, but of course there is SPIN interpreter overhead here, so it should actually be time := CNT - (some constant). I found the online article written a few years back that allows you to time arbitrary code blocks like this:
For my purpose, though, this won't quite work because the overhead I'm interested in is not the complete assignment statement, because retrieving CNT itself will take place only partway through the assignment routine, so the measured overhead will be overestimated if I include the actual copying of the CNT value to the variable. What I need is the overhead of the assignment statement up to the point where it actually retrieves the CNT, but not after - I just want to be as close as possible to the CNT when the actual PEQ wake-up event took place. I don't know what proportion of 368 clocks is the retrieval of CNT, and what remainder is the copying of the value.
Anybody know the answer to this one?
I have some spin code that does:
WAITPEQ ([I]some state)[/I] time := CNT
What I'm trying to do is to capture the CNT at the actual PEQ event time, but of course there is SPIN interpreter overhead here, so it should actually be time := CNT - (some constant). I found the online article written a few years back that allows you to time arbitrary code blocks like this:
t0 := cnt ' Insert code to measure here t1 := cnt elapsed := ||(t1-t0)With no code to run between the two checkpoints, the article says the interpreter will add 368 clocks of overhead between the two measured CNT statements.
For my purpose, though, this won't quite work because the overhead I'm interested in is not the complete assignment statement, because retrieving CNT itself will take place only partway through the assignment routine, so the measured overhead will be overestimated if I include the actual copying of the CNT value to the variable. What I need is the overhead of the assignment statement up to the point where it actually retrieves the CNT, but not after - I just want to be as close as possible to the CNT when the actual PEQ wake-up event took place. I don't know what proportion of 368 clocks is the retrieval of CNT, and what remainder is the copying of the value.

Anybody know the answer to this one?
Then you trigger the event once that makes the wait continue.
The PASM part then stores the result back in a SPIN-variable. Then you simply subtract the SPIN-result from the PASM-result. If you need it absolutely accurate you can also subtract the clock-cycle-time that PASM needs.