Ebay: Huge Shack Grab Bag

120+ NOS parts in package, and plenty of 'em. Noobs, start your junk box with one purchase. Some oldies but goodies in there!
120+ NOS parts in package, and plenty of 'em. Noobs, start your junk box with one purchase. Some oldies but goodies in there!
It's over $30 with more than a day to go.
Nice collection. I have one here. I also have its update collection. A while ago, (think about the time Parallax was managing its basic group on Yahoo Groups) the discussion of how to use the thing with a BASIC STAMP came up. And Jon Williams responded. It seems that he came up with the independently of the group, that was on a N&V article as it happens. I attempted to build it, but no luck.
I've got all of the parts, but at the moment, no need. I freely admit that a part that talks back sounds almost sweet, but there is more to be said for other things. Besides, it'd have a strange accent.......
Precisely what I scanned the lot for! Just got mine off EBay last month for $20.
PJ Allen
Hmm - best not tell the winning bidder about sites like Futurlec then?!