Need DIY Transmitter & Receiver Plans
with the following requirements:
- Simple DIY connects to Propeller chip
- Very light weight
- Tiny physical size
- A circuit with almost no parts
- Uses common easy to find parts
- Range about 10 or 12 feet
- Simple software
This is a demo of the Sure Electronics GP-GC010v1 433Mhz Transceiver (CY2196R) It is a block Send/Receive with checksum, all in Spin. Two Transceivers and two propeller boards are required to use these modules. Board A creates, sends, receives and displays a packet. Board B retransmits any packet it receives with a small modification for demo purposes.
The rocket/ground setup only needs a send on one side and receive on the other (and the transceiver module is quite small).
The heart of my demo, is/are the two Block send /receive routines augmented with a few utility routines.
As setup here it is kinda slow at only 19.2 K baud. The data on these modules is very sparse but it does mention a faster baud rate setting but I do not know how to set that. Everything I learned about these modules was found by experimentation.,audio/GP-GC010.pdf
***** Use the wiring diagram and pin outs from my demo module not from the data sheet ****
To clarify my comment about being slow --
I think at 19200 baud you can get 37 packets per second out of this setup
19200 baud / (8 bits per byte * 64 bytes) ~ 37 packets per second
Hope this helps
Post edit
I have attached the stripped packet send/receive modules if you want them
Post edit 2
Updated packet send/receive to remove unused led module and add keep alive variable
These will provide two way communication (up to 2Mbps). They cost less than $7 each.
I wrote a driver for the Propeller.